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Matt Madura

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Everything posted by Matt Madura

  1. I’ve come to a part of my life where I’m just not utilizing this desk. Any fly or jig tied at this desk is guaranteed to catch fish! Countless hours and bottomless glasses of whiskey have been spent at this table! The table top does have some where in tear that mainly fly had cement and a little bit of superglue. But all in all the desk is in great shape. It does sit on rollers so it can be easily maneuvered. Items located in Fremont Hills. Pick up his preferred however delivery is available depending on when and where. My number is 417-894-7917. Call or text me.
  2. Here's a pic of the KC bridge, taken about 5 years ago or so. It appears I hit old hwy 13 then turned over the bridge with DI. Granted I was in a 16 ft aluminum boat. Still a cool pic. jj
  3. Thinking back now, I think you're that's right. I think my SI was set on a certain distance. BUT I'll never know....Bass Pro let me return it and I upgraded to the G3N Mega. But that dang thing drove me crazy! Hard to believe that 1/2 dozen calls I put into Humminbird no one offered up that solution. Thanks for responding.
  4. I am having this exact same issue...Humminbird was no help. The settings were no help, had latest software, even called humminbird while on the water to trouble shoot to no avail, they even sent a new transducer to me for free and still had same issues. Did you figure this out? I'd be really curious as to the solution.
  5. Solid motor 5 speed. Text /call Matt 4178947917. In Ozark.
  6. I stand corrected about fin and feather...thats great news! Rather them have my dollar anyhow.
  7. I was at Bass Pro around 10am and they had white in the Z-Man Zinkers for the Ned. I use the Strike King Zeros as well, they had one package of the PB&J. Some of the restock stickers said they'd be in today, but this was at 10am...I would call before making a trip. Also, I never see these items at Academy or Fin and Feather or Walmart for that matter. Good Luck.
  8. I'd recommend a 6wt rod. Streamers at night you can get by with much heavier lines. 2X leader 2x-5x Tippett. I'm a leech guy at night myself. But there is tons of info on his forum on nighttime streamer fishing.
  9. Cool ad!
  10. I'd rather wrestle a bob cat than be there opening day that falls on a weekend.
  11. This starts out with a big thanks to FFF and TFO. Back this past October we attened the FFF conclave in Mt. Home. For the kids that participated and registerd early they recieved a "free" fly rod combo courtsey of TFO. They got to tie a few flys and go to Dry Run Creek! Emma, Madi and myself set out yesterday on Taney and we got her on her first rainbow on her very own fly-rod. She loved it! Madi has already experianced this but this was Emmas first on her own gear. I know this fish is a dink, but that fish represents a whold new chapter in her life and fond memory for me. She caught it on an egg and we got lots more after this. Conditions got windy yesterdy so I had spinning gear as back up, Thank Goodness.
  12. This starts out with a big thanks to FFF and TFO. Back this past October we attened the FFF conclave in Mt. Home. For the kids that participated and registerd early they recieved a "free" fly rod combo courtsey of TFO. They got to tie a few flys and go to Dry Run Creek! Emma, Madi and myself set out yesterday on Taney and we got her on her first rainbow on her very own fly-rod. She loved it! Madi has already experianced this but this was Emmas first on her own gear. I know this fish is a dink, but that fish represents a whold new chapter in her life and fond memory for me. She caught it on an egg and we got lots more after this. Conditions got windy yesterdy so I had spinning gear as back up, Thank Goodness. View attachment: image.jpg
  13. Another one to check out is Silas Turnbo. Turnbo Manuscripts.http://thelibrary.org/lochist/turnbo/toc.html Once on the site do a key word search for "forsyth" very coold encounters of the past because he uses very specific lanmarks.
  14. Dad and I took a break from fishing one day a month or so ago. He and I have always been intrigued by what lies beneath Table Rock. We both have a the large USGS maps of the 1948 land survey for the resevoir project. It shows buildings, roads, cemetaries and such, very intersting. Most of us have all seen pictures of the old bridge, but we wanted to see if we could spot it on my down imaging. After some zig-zags and searching it appeared on the screen. Not the best pic, but I thought it's worth sharing. I believe it lies between the 2nd and 3rd pylon on the north end about 100 yards to the west of the bridge if I remember correctly. No GPS on my finder. If anyone has anything to add like this I'd love to see it.
  15. Released in the grease!
  16. With the wife out of town I decided to do a little evening night fishing with my buddy Marcus. On the way down my Pop caught wind I was heading to the lake and he wanted to break in his new spinning rod...bad decision for us that is, he put us to shame conducting his clinic. He was using the Ned Rig and just catching the crud out of smallies just before dusk on a gravel bank. He had a great time, we all did. He decieded he gave us a good-enough lesson and we dropped him off. Marcus and I went back out using some deep crank baits off the bluffs above the treetops, and wouldn't you know this gem of a walleye happen grab on...It was a great night.
  17. Don't hate me, but I like the Mr. Crappie electric filet knife....HOWEVER, in passing I mentioned to my wife about the "Bubba Blade" and low-and-behold it showed up one day, and I have to say, it's pretty nice. I use it a lot when no power available. My dad on the other hand as the old school Bass Pro bone handled filet knife with the leather sheath, very nice, high carbon steel and works great, he bought it in the early 90's and has rarely sharpened it and it's still has a great edge.
  18. My brother and I had a great day at top of the rock. Phil said it best "surreal". We shook hands, autographs and walk the path with the players and governor Nixon (not stating anything political just the facts) and Johnny Morris. It was truly a blessed day for he and I. It's a beautiful place!
  19. I will be there Friday. Enterprise Rent-A-Car, the company I work for, is supplying all the transportation for the players. It was great to meet several of them as they were coming in. As Phil said, this is a great event for Branson and the area, rumor has it for the next four years it may be held in April.
  20. Nice work! Nice Fish!
  21. This is pandoras box. I would suggest estabishing a budget for your intial costs. Rod, Reel, Waders, pack/vest, flys, flybox etc.. For Taney, almost any rod would do, but something I wouldn't skimp on is waders, I'd really recommend Simms brand waders, they have options for most budgets. Second, is a rod, for entry level, I'd go with a 5 or 6wt, TFO (Temple Fork) makes some great stuff and combo packages, (rod reel included). Lines, I'd stick with Rio, Scientific Anglers or AirFlow. I'm sure a lot of people would agree, hire a guide!!! Let them show you the in's and out's so you're not creating bad habits or get too frustrated. Be honest with your guide, ask tons of questions and really engage whoever you're hiring. Learn the knots and how to properly set up a fly rig before you worry about what fly to use, and learn simple casting, single haul and roll cast, once your get these down, you can fish anywhere around here. Good luck!
  22. I'm a lucky man to have these kids in my life. My nephew Keegan, along with the rest of the family, enjoyed a great day of dock fishing. Keegan is 8, and loves to fish and is learning new stuff all the time. Soon he'll be teaching me a few things. We were fishing for bass with live blue-gill/sunfish off the dock and having a ball, all the kids were in on the fun!!! Keegan thought he was snagged, then a puzzelled look came over his face when he realized that snag was fighting back. It was all hands on deck for his dad and I at this point, we were willing to jump in if it meant not losing this fish. He was very proud and grinning ear to ear all night. I'm sure we'll be hearing about this for a long time, Keegan has the that drive in him to be the best at what he does, and after catching this one I think I have a fishing buddy for life. The backstory to this fish is that he hooked three before this, but they all managed to spit the hook just before landing them, so when this was in the net; well, you could only imagine! Next, there's Emma and her Crappie, she's my step-daughter and much to her mothers suprise and shock, she loves to fish as well, her goal is just to catch a bigger one than I do, and usally thats the case. Emma caught this slab all by herself, on a lite spinning rod and a 1/80th jig I tie up for these. It was pretty sproatic on dock this day, but she manage to put everyone to shame, she was so excited and said she wants to catch more to feed the family! She's sweet kid who really has recenently been turned on to fishing. Finally Madi, my daughter, she's been trying her hand at fly-fishing, on a whim we set out after church on Taney and motored up to shoal just below old KOA, she was fishing an egg pattern and this guy came just nailed it and the fight was on!! She managed to reel it in with minimal drama within netting distance. The smile doesn't show it, but it took some major cohersing to have her hold this. She's getting better everytime I take her out and am very proud of her for trying. After writing this, I'm smiling ear to ear just for the sheer joy of these kids and living in a country where this is possible.
  23. Nice work guys. I hope to do some damage this weekend.
  24. Comes with Kling-On and Studded Cling Soles. Call/Text Matt 4178947917 $125
  25. Call/Text me if interested...4178947917...$130
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