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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by eric1978

  1. Sweet fly. Last time I heard the name Mike Schmidt he was playing the hot corner for the Phillies.
  2. Sounds like a great trip. The big one always gets away...
  3. We got a few sprinkles. It's so dry that I have cracks in my lawn that are opening up into wide, yawning chasms. Grass in the sunny front yard is almost fully dormant now...May 29th. Should be glossy and green and swelled with moisture at this point.
  4. Eliminating humans...yeah, good luck with that one. There couldn't possibly be a more reasonable solution... "Not destined to live in MO." It always baffles me how you can just shrug off all the environmental and ecological problems that humans cause as simply the natural order of things, and your apparent belief that we have no responsibility to prevent or repair the damage we cause whenever possible. Somewhere around the point that we invented firearms, or electricity, or the automobile, or deforestation, or plastic, we veered off the course of benign symbiosis with the Earth, and we now have a totally artificial, and devastating, impact on our environment...whether you allow yourself to admit it or not...we do. And with that enormous impact comes enormous responsibility to minimize the damage we leave in our wake...if for no other reason, to maintain an inhabitable and hospitable environment for ourselves.
  5. I agree, just like very few employees of private businesses have any sense...because they're people, and very few people, generally speaking, have any sense. It has nothing to do with government; it has to do with people. I'd venture to guess you work with at least a couple morons, no? The guy who was responsible for but failed to sound the horn is an idiot, and he's been an idiot his whole life. Betcha twenty bucks this wasn't his first job. So ten years ago when he worked at McDonald's, did you blame the restaurant when he gave you a Big Mcnure when you asked for Mcnure Nuggets? Of course not, it's just the idiot taking the order.
  6. Looks like a turtle minus shell, head and feet. LOL
  7. Because some people think there's value in restoring nature to the way it's s'posed to be...as much as possible anyway. I'm one of 'em.
  8. Buttwheat says, ooohtay! But that's so racist. If I didn't have an eight pound white scheduled for October, I'd be in. Prolly have to pass on this one. Next year...
  9. My wife is a government employee, and I can assure you she's no dummy. I bet you're the type who says "guns don't kill people, people kill people." And the same is true here...working for the government doesn't make people stupid, people are just stupid.
  10. 2012 POTY Put me in the hate 'em category, too.
  11. That's funny as hell, and yeah that's a big bastard, but still, it's their right to be here and I think Missouri is a better state for it. I support their return.
  12. So do deer...part of life in the country. The sun turns my beautiful red cedar to gray. Should we get rid of the sun, too? And just because we hunted them to extirpation doesn't mean they're no longer native. They're still native. They'll always be native.
  13. I gotta agree with this...either do it or don't. But I say do it, because elk are essentially just big deer, and they're NATIVE. What problem does an elk create that a deer doesn't? All this talk about the nuisance they'll be...how, exactly? People act like they're reintroducing polio or something. They're just big, dumb, beautiful, NATIVE herbivores, mindlessly chowing down on vegetation and making babies. I don't get the whole Chicken Little reaction to it...I think people just like to bitch about anything MDC does simply because they're a government agency. Anything.
  14. Dave is right on his seasonal forecasts about half the time. Not bad for a weatherman I guess. He said last winter was going to be really cold and snowy. Oops.
  15. And if you have no talent but a pretty face or you can dance like a cat with tape on his paws, show up on American Idol and the idiots will vote for you. And with idiots comes reward. Commercial success is a very poor indicator of talent, especially these days.
  16. The lawns are already heading into summer dormancy here in StL...usually that doesn't happen until July. This weather is stupid. Summer hasn't even started and I'm ready for fall.
  17. Sounds like you went solo...what'd you do for a shuttle? Can never figure out logistics on that river without a partner.
  18. That's a pretty low bar you're setting there to qualify talent. I haven't seen any talent whatsoever spawned from American Idol. You wanna see talent, spend a weekend in the dive bars in Nashville...but 99% of those musicians will never make it because they can't dance. The American music revolution is dead and gone...has been for 30+ years. A few still slip throught the cracks, but for the most part it's over. They pick pretty faces and market them...has nothing to do with music anymore, just catchy beats and mindless lyrics to draw the morons en masse to buy their one and only "hit" on itunes.
  19. Yes, but I believe in GA, LA, AL and MS it's more ladylike to cover them up. Those dang liberated wimminz and their feminazi struttin' around half naked no modesty modern behavior. Next thing you know they'll wanna vote, too. Sorry, couldn't resist. As you were.
  20. Yeah those liberals are all bloodless heathens LOL. Generalize much?
  21. LOL I didn't know Webster's made revisions so often. I'll check that out!
  22. What exactly is marriage out of wedlock? Like getting married but not really? I got a buddy who just did that...you know who you are.
  23. Drove over the Moreau (sp?) River on the way back from Lake O this weekend...looked prime for wading at least, maybe floatable. Never been on it, but it looked worth exploring from the overpass. I'd say about an hour from Columbia, maybe 75 minutes.
  24. I'd like to start the coalition to ban Hank Williams Jr. What a mouthbreather. Hank Sr. has gotta be rollin' in his grave.
  25. I don't get all philosophical about it...I just think it sucks because no one is playing an instrument. That's one of my prerequisites for considering something "music." Computers don't count.
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