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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by eric1978

  1. That's okay. I could have a pic of a heart attack as an avatar and still wouldn't be taken seriously. I've earned it.
  2. Thousands, tens of thousands actually. It took tens of thousands of years for that climate shift to occur. We're talking about average global temperatures rising a full degree in a hundred years. The difference is significant. I keep hearing people say they want to see more facts...but then they wouldn't believe them anyway...as if scientific data is up for debate. Some of you folks would deny the existence of gravity if Al Gore said it was real. Forget Al Gore...this is about science, and if you don't "believe" in science, you're just a clown and there's no point having a discussion with you. Insanity.
  3. I hear the meth-heads are thick down there, too.
  4. Of course deforestation is a major contributor to the greenhouse effect...at least according to those crooked scientists out there just making up data to turn a profit. Google it.
  5. Eh, people should be practicing C&R anyway. Unless you consume strictly organic food, those fish wouldn't be more of a concern to me than anything else we ingest on a daily basis...it's ALL pumped full of chemicals. All of it. A bass from TRL can't be any worse for you than a Big Mac, that's for sure.
  6. Reverse natural selection.
  7. The neat little graph simply illustrates that the problem may not actually be infinitely complex. It shows an obvious correlation between CO2 emissions and temperature. That doesn't mean the solution isn't complex, but the first step in finding a solution is admitting there's a problem.
  8. I guess I'll avoid getting mired in all the political opinion horseshiz, and interject two interesting FACTS. I know you all have brilliant ways of dismissing scientific data, since after all, you have an opinion, based solely on what you choose to believe. Let me know if you need to borrow my glasses...it's pretty clear from where I sit.
  9. On second thought...I'm not going there, as badly as I want to. Posts deleted.
  10. For some reason I ended up at NW Plaza about, oh, 14-15 years ago to see Donnie Brasco, so whenever that movie came out. What a freakin' zoo! That was my last time there, thank you very much. I hear that by the time they were closing the place, there were fights constantly all over the mall and in the parking lot, and I'll bet the stores moved more merchandise through shoplifting than through sales. Wonder why they couldn't make it? Then fell Jamestown Mall, and my money would be on the Mills to go next. Watch and see. Cabbie's will be the last man standing there. Florissant itself is still pretty nice...but it's surrounded by a sea of Compton, so the crime soaks in by osmosis I guess. I actually have a house there I need to sell. Anyone interested? LOL Used to be a nice place to live...too bad.
  11. Yeah, ridiculous. With ya on that one 100%. Americans are stubborn...we're gonna find a way to stay fat no matter how many regulations. Truly moronic. I LMAO when I heard that.
  12. Sure there will be some lucky holdovers that haven't stepped on any Powerbait landmines, but the vast majority of those fish have been in there only days or weeks, or over the winter, maybe a few months. Never implied anything about being "better" than anyone, but it's true I don't like trout parks. Mostly because of the crowds, but also because it just feels like cheating going after fish that have been conditioned to not rely on instinct to survive. But that's just me. I'm happy to have the parks...keeps more people off the rivers.
  13. Good point. Instead of spending tens of thousands seizing this guy's land, I'd rather spend a few trillion invading Iran, North Korea, Syria...Russia? I'll remember these things in November alright.
  14. I've never been at a trout park during a huge, prolific hatch, so maybe I'm just wrong here...but I find it hard to believe that those freshly stocked morons really respond to hatches and key in on much of anything. A trico, a scud, a minnow, a nugget of dog food, a hot dog, whatever. They pretty much just eat whatever floats past their faces...that's basically been my experience anyway. Down in the river, different story. Some of those fish have been in there a while and they've returned to exhibiting actual fish behavior. But in the parks? I'm skeptical.
  15. I don't usually do that...I'm pretty honest with myself most the time. But the conditions yesterday were so primo...overcast, low pressure, a little cooler, a tiny rise and color bump to the water...everything you dream about. But I'd hit those perfect spots - you know the ones...the ones where you KNOW there's a fish, and one or two times out of ten you're right - but on this day, nada...every time. Something was awry on at least that stretch of river, I'm convinced of it.
  16. We saw several jetboats docked up or on people's property...we also heard one but never caught glimpse of it. So they're out there, and they have access...they're just limited to certain stretches between certain riffles. Just a few jetboats and a few local meat-hungry anglers can do a lot of damage in a short period of time. And I'm betting they have.
  17. Same exact results we had yesterday, Schlicht Spring to Roubidoux. Perfect fishing weather, mediocre fishing. Have a feeling that stretch gets absolutely hammered with jetboats.
  18. Sounds like someone we know. LOL
  19. Well it's petty bickering that escalates to extreme violence...but it started as petty bickering. A disagreement over the ethics of desertion, accusing a guy of making nasty with his dog, a stolen pig...that's pretty petty stuff if you ask me. Sprinkle in a little whisky and a little moron...you got yerself a real hot dang feud.
  20. The Hatfield/McCoy feud was essentially petty bickering...gonna be tough to stay true to the story without it. Maybe they shoulda thrown some Transformers in there or something to keep peoples' attention. The first half of the second episode was the best part so far...lots of good gratuitous killin' and stuff.
  21. LOL They don't bother me much...I just tell them right off the bat I'm not interested. If they try to keep talking, I cut them off..."I'm not interested." But what we have here is..."I'm not interested. Thanks anyway." Usually third time's a charm. Takes about 15 seconds. Same technique is used for door-knocking Jesus converters.
  22. I'm talking brown and crunchy...that's dormant. If you have bare spots, your grass is dead and gone there...time to reseed. We're gonna get a good soaking tonight and tomorrow. That might help for a couple days. We need a week-long rain event to recharge the aquifers and rehydrate the vegetation. I'm not holding my breath.
  23. I've been watching it. It's about what'd I'd expect from a miniseries on the History Channel, even with Kevin Costner and Bill Paxton involved. I told my wife last night that it's a weird movie because I find myself not rooting for anyone...they were all idiots. So that probably doesn't help either. I'm gonna finish it, though.
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