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Everything posted by Dutch

  1. I've never gone to buy stuff on Black Friday so I won't be skipping anything as I go fishing on Friday. All I have to do is decide what species I am going after.
  2. The wind theory isn't my original idea. I got it from some fisheries biologists who had been studying white bass during a 10 year period.
  3. Getting back to the original question. Wind direction is not all that important. I have fished for them for a lot of years. They go where the food is. Very seldom have I caught many white bass on Stockton unless the wind is blowing. My greatest successes have come on the third day of the wind blowing from the same direction. That puts everything into action: The wind blows the algae to certain areas, the zooplankton follow the algae, the shad follow the zooplankton and then here come the game fish. That is not to say that you won't catch them with the wind having blown only one day from a particular direction, you just won't do as well.
  4. I have been using an electric smoker for close to 20 years. I am on my second as the burner on the first one completely burned into. I use it at least weekly. It is quick and easy with little or no cleanup.
  5. Sounds good to me. I have too many irons in the fire to go for the next few days But late next week may see me down there.
  6. I drove over it last week. I can't say one way or the other about launching but my guess is no unless you have a yak or small jon.
  7. Just like it has been for the last few weeks.
  8. We put in at Mutton Creek yesterday. With the warm forecast boats were every where. On the second bank my pard and I both got keepers about 1 minute apart on plastics. We had been throwing spinnerbaits. I never had a bump and he only had one short. From there on we stayed with plastics and jigs. We worked our way up river to the CC bridge area. Bass were scattered. We caught a total of 15 blacks with those first 2 keepers the only ones of the day. When we finally found a bit of wind, we switched to some small plastics and caught some white bass. We ended up catching 43 of them with a double limit of decent keepers. Along the way we had 3 walleye, 2 of which were keepers. All in all it was a good day to be on the water but me thinks summer is finally over.
  9. Check out Stockton. They have a "shoulder season" electricity only and about $5 per day. Stockton State Park is always open with electricity only.
  10. That choke is about $70. I had one on my last boat with low & mg. I will prolly have to do it on this one also. It might also under the deck if the tmotor wiring is close to ro touching the sonar unit xducer cable.
  11. Dutch

    11/4 11/5

    I only got to fish from noon to 3 yesterday. It was a real good sw wind capping out side of Hartley. I could only muster 6 bass. 5 were caught on a home made spinnerbait and the only keeper came off a windy bluff on a 1/2 oz poison tail pbj jig.
  12. Dutch

    11/4 11/5

    Thanks for the report. I have some business at Stockton on Thursday and plan to take the boat along for an afternoon's fishing. If you try any spinner baits?
  13. That is going to be another good tool to have. Thanks for setting it up. I just pinned it to my start page so I can check it daily like I do lake levels.
  14. Dutch

    First time

    I have spent the last 2 weeks down there. I expected to see otters but only saw 4 together on one bank.
  15. Good report. That is about the same results that I have had up in the rivers the last couple of weeks (worms and tubes). Very few fish will hit a spinnerbait or crankbait for me this fall and I was really looking forward to some spinnerbait days in Oct and Nov like the ones I had in Sept.
  16. Dutch

    First time

    that I have ever seen baby loons. I've seen a lot of loons on Stockton over the years but only 1-4 in an area. This week I saw over 30 in one group just south of the 245 bridge and they had several young ones with them. Also last week I saw a group of maybe 20 feral hogs. They were drinking in the first cove on the east side of Sons Creek south of Greaser Creek. I'm bettin' the largest 4 would push 300 pounds.
  17. Thanks for the report. I'll be there for the last two weeks of October. I plan to wear out a bunch of spinner baits.
  18. Fall whites aren't hiding. They are feeding.
  19. I haven't seen any surface action in a long time. I hope the low water doesn't hurt the fall bite. I plan to spend the last 2 weeks of October at State Park looking for them.
  20. We didn't find It that good today. We were able to catch 22 bass between 11:30 and 3. Most came on spinner baits with a few on buzz baits.
  21. I have been considering red. I use red for the dash lights and it works fine. I'm just not sure how well I could see to fish with red lights. I'm also wondering if anything would be illegal about red.
  22. I've kind of healed over from the beat down that Pommy gave me. I think I'll hit Stockton one more time before vacation. Bear can't get away 'till late morning so we'll head on down and give the afternoon bite a shot. I sure hope the water has cooled a bit and the spinner bait or buzz bait bite is going. Any of you guys been in the last few days?
  23. My old black lights don't fit the gunwale of my new boat. I'm looking at installing lights for night fishing but I don't know what color would let me see my line and not draw a zillion bugs. Any one have them?
  24. It is 863.34 as of 4:30 pm today. It has varied but a few inches in a long time. So my guess is High Point is not any more useable than it was the last time you were there.
  25. Yep Jerry. 50° water will make it better but this rig is supposed to be doing 6000 rpms at 70+ in warm weather. The rigging had a 6.5 p2p.
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