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Everything posted by Dutch

  1. Thanks QB I've seen a lot of Doug's stuff. I guess that the Bird side must be a bit better than the Low as I've seen groups of shad but never been able to spot eaters among or near them except for whites near a school on Bull.
  2. QB I looked there before posting here. I was only looking at topic titles. Maybe I need to take a closer look. FnF maybe you should contact a Moderator and see if he can help you figure out the problem.
  3. Dutch

    Before Cleon

    Yes is did. Both of the QBs are good but Manning has a lot better hands to throw to than Smith does. Me thinks KC needs to draft some receivers.
  4. Dutch

    Before Cleon

    Yes it did. Were you at the Chief's game?
  5. Might be time to pull the Arig out.
  6. Where are you storing your pics? Maybe that is the reason you can't get them to link here?
  7. Thanks. I'm not interested very much in depth. What I want is to scan areas and find shad with shad eaters around them so I can spoon them up.
  8. Dutch

    Before Cleon

    Were you on Stockton in that fog or are you talking about Sunday night? The fishing was not bad for only 3 hours. If I hadn't had to take someone to the airport down in Spfld. I might have had better succes, but I'm not complaining as I look out the window.
  9. I went to Stockton Wed thinking of crappie. I had some business to take care of in the morning and didn't get there till almost mid day. As usual the weatherman lied. It was howling. So I decided to fish for some whites. The sun was shining and it was in the mid 50s (for 15 minutes). It clouded over and the wind started shifting. By noon the temp was dropping. By 1 it was starting to get misty. By 2 it was getting foggy and the temps were continuing to drop. The fog got visibility down to about 1/4 mile. Not knowing what it was like on land and having driven in the fog coming home from the Chief's game I opted to head out. So I only got in 3 hours of fishing time. It really wasn't bad: 6 blacks with 1 nice 16" and 10 keepers whites some of them were big females that looked full of eggs. I'm thinking this bitty storm will change lots of things during the next several days.
  10. I'm looking for a side scan screen shot showing game fish on, in, and or under bait fish. I'm not sure what that looks like. If any of you have one, I'd appreciate you posting it so I can study it. Thanks in advance.
  11. are the specs at Pommy? It looks like I may be able to get down there Friday or Saturday. I haven't heard anything for a long time about them.
  12. You don't have to use a saw. The ones that I have done similarly, I just taped a wire where I wanted the wg to be and closed it very tightly in a vise. That indented the aluminum so I can lay my wg in and mold them in place.
  13. For just a few bucks more you can get the production pot IV. Look on Ebay or Amazon. My IV is over 20 years old and has made 10s of 1000s of jigs with only a few parts ordered from Lee over the years. That pot II looks like an accident waiting to happen.
  14. My grandson took one of his buds to one of my farms on Sat. It was windy but they saw a few scrub bucks and a couple of does. There was a very dominant doe he wanted out of the herd. He let his bud shoot her. Today he went back and took a good 8 pt. While he was loading it in the truck he saw 4 does and a very large 10 pt. We want his genes in the pool.
  15. I make my own and am partial to a red/chart with black beard.
  16. Get the teflon pins. They are way easier to use than the metal ones. If you pull your pins before you bake then you can reopen the hole by gently drilling it out. Additionally, if you use a heat gun and learn to heat the head just enough to get a (powdery) coat instead of a slick one then you won't have as much paint on the head and that will alleviate all sorts of other problems. The powdery coat will bake on and be just as hard as your shiny ones from the torch. Another thing you can do is heat them in the toaste oven for just a few minutes take them out one at a time, dip them, then put them back. I do that when I have to make 2 or 3 dozen of the same color and size.
  17. There is no way I'd buy something that important used. See Loui Bruton and have him get you one.
  18. Yep 8 1/2 footers were all that were available when I got in. I also bought a bunch of craft hair, etc. to get all set up. I wound up spending a couple of C notes for stuff I never use.
  19. Champ you don't need specialty rods. When I got into it there weren't any. A tear shaped bobber works best as it will stand up when a fish has gently taken the fnf jig.
  20. A few years ago I got into it and made up a bunch of FnF jigs. Tried the Rock and Bull for smallies but caught mostly whites, crappie, and channel cats so I have mostly put that stuff up.
  21. That's only the second time I have seen any. About 7-8 years ago my pard and I caught 6 within site of the Pittsburg landing ramp while looking for whites. That is one of the things we were looking to establish on this trip. However, we fished a bunch of formerly tremendous white bass banks on the Lindley arm and never had a bite. So I guess they may be a long ways off. The die out at Bull was in the winter of 02-03 and they didn't rebound much for 6 or 7 years and are no where close to what they had been and may never get there. Stockton's population also seems to be down. I fished there for 5 weeks this fall. I'd fish for whites when the conditions were favorable. I only found some one time and them only had 6.
  22. nxs I've had those yellow perch squirt milt all over the place in late march while fishing for white bass.
  23. I fished down at Pomm on Friday. We had lots of wind but a mile high sky. Caught 3 keepers and the walleye posted in the Pomme de Terre section.
  24. I fished from the swimbeach to High Point and back. I only caught 6 bass and only 1 was a keeper.
  25. I have a few hours this am. I'm heading down there. I'll try your spinnerbait pattern.
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