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Everything posted by Dutch

  1. Why would you need steps. I get in on the pk. lot and have the boat floated off. I load the boat and have the guy pull to the pk. lot then I get out. What is the purpose of the steps?
  2. I have been running a MG TE82 for a long time. I'd be interested in a MK if the foot control weren't so big.
  3. I only keep the fish that taste good and I avoid keeping any females during the spawn. For the most part that is crappie and walleye. If bass weren't so smelly like bull frogs, I'd eat some of them also. If it is legal to catch and keep and you are legally licened then you have a right to do so no matter what the norm has become. BTW: I don't personally know of any bass stocking in public impoundments after the initial time that the lake is opened.
  4. Go out of the cove. Hook a right. Go into Maze and move around from tree to tree until you find them. My neighbor has a pontoon and he fishes in their all summer long at night. He says that they do quite well.
  5. I'm planning on doing a little pitching and would like to know how deep you guys think they are around timber up the creeks and rivers.
  6. I can't speak about down there but my light bite died about 6 weeks ago where I normally fish.
  7. Maybe you guys don't look ugly enough. I have been fishing Stockton since they plugged the dam. I have never had an incident with a T fisherman. Now, pontoons, ride arounds, jet skis, richlines, and jons are a whole other topic. If you really want to see some rude dudes go to Table Rock up by Ashers or Bull Shoals in Beaver Creek in March and see how close people run by you or cut you off.
  8. Windy rocky points... white buzzbait
  9. I'm interested in the Stradic. I have enough bcs already.
  10. They are getting a few bigguns back in Mutton Creek also. I'm afraid LOZ is getting so bad that we'll see a bunch more shortly.
  11. Dutch

    245 Bridge

    From the north take Hwy 32 W to Hwy 39. Come down 39 to 215 to get to State Park. 245 is over by Cedar Ridge.
  12. Couple of questions: Will you take off the caps lock? Since you are advertising here, are you a site sponsor?
  13. Dutch


    You must not have stayed very long. I was there at mid day and there were no vehicles in the lot and no boats in sight. I only saw a water patrol man, a pontoon and a sail boat all day long.
  14. I switched to the Alberto's knot 2 years ago and have not looked back. I have had no knot failures since I went to it.
  15. I'm thinking it's bout over down there so I'm going to the Rock this am.
  16. The spawn should be about over and the fish should start heading for the main lake for the summer.
  17. Most of us on the plateau will be waiting a couple or 3 weeks before we move into those fragile plants as we run way behing lots of you out there.
  18. I don't worry about the concealed carry thing. I just carry.
  19. Yes in Sugar loafs and Bear but I don't call that lower Bull Shoals. I call that mid lake.
  20. Any of the bigger creeks should have a few whites in them. They don't all migrate 70 miles to get to Beaver Creek.
  21. Bass....jigs/tubes Lake Springfield North side.
  22. X2 See Brad.
  23. They may not move that far if we don't get some good rains. I haven't heard any reports of them being around McCall or Hootentown yet.
  24. We really need to get my stupid dart thing implemented. Two of those boats yesterday dropped anchors as well.
  25. Today one didn't need a boat. You could just jump from one boat to another one. I put in 30 minutes before dawn little crack and was prolly #20. Got on fish and got crowded out by 4 other boats.
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