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Everything posted by Dutch

  1. If you are anywhere close to Springfield, John may have what you need at Fin and Feather.
  2. Get yourself a mold and put what ever type and size of hooks you want in the jigs. http://www.do-itmolds.com/
  3. WHAT? And miss all of those pissing contest that have been going on?
  4. I have a self inflatable sospenders. If it gets wet it will self inflate. The directions say extremely humid conditions can cause inflation so I gets to stay home in the rain.
  5. Personally, I think the forum covers way too many specific places. I tend to not read stuff on locations where I don't and don't plan to go. I'd rather have a lot fewer locations and see more topic posts.
  6. Another spot is to go to the parking lot where they launch boats. I go there sometimes and never find any other bank fishermen around.
  7. You can gain access to Beaver Creek at the bridge where Hwy 160 crosses it. You also can gain access to lots of places on the James River. Flat Creek at the mouth of Dry Creek is accessible also. I have caught whites at all of those places but you never know which night they will be there.
  8. BS is right at power pool but if we get any spring rains, Katy bar the door because it will be up in a heart beat.
  9. From what I have seen and heard they have been few and far between lately.
  10. 3.8:1 will pull anything it is just slow. It will be a lot easier on you at the end of the day than the other reel.
  11. I have caught a lot of smb on MO rivers but nothing close to a 4#. If you catch one then a replica probably would be a good thing.
  12. Pardon my lack of knowledge but what is TU?
  13. That is the fishiest pond in the country. I don't ever fish for those nasty smelling toothy critters on purpose but sometimes they take your bait anyway. Lots of times they like it enough to keep it for themselves.
  14. I like a modified banana and arke as well as the football. Some colors to add would be black/chart, black/white, blue/white, pbj, brown/orange, purple/black, purple/brown and on and on.
  15. It sounds like you are headed in the right direction. Don't skrimp on your batteries for the trolling motor. Get some good 200 reserve amps and you will have trolling power for many hours.
  16. Dutch


    I'd also like to know about roads in Taney Co around Bull Shoals.
  17. I called BPS and it is part of the classes going on and it costs $50 to go hear it. I believe I'll pass.
  18. I called BPS and it is part of the classes going on and it costs $50 to go hear it. I believe I'll pass.
  19. I like to look at the mountain but I don't like to buy from them. I called ahead for one of their deals and after I drove close to 200 miles they didn't have what they promised so I'll just get my stuff form Johnny.
  20. Try the mold makers like Do-It.
  21. Me, I'm waiting for the sun to shine before I even think about a shovel.
  22. If you are going to do Crane Creek and have time you might want to also try Spring Creek. You can access it in the middle of Hurley.
  23. That must be a new position that has come with the new facility. I wonder who is paying his salary.
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