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Everything posted by Dutch

  1. Buy a cheap hydrometer from an auto store or wally world. They should be 12.7 volts if fully charged.
  2. I'm not sure there was anything to shut off. We fished from up in the Flat just short of the bridge and up in the James just short of Carrs to Buttermilk Springs. Threw the book at them on all kinds of banks. Only caught 5 fish all day long. 4 shorts and 1 4#. 1 on square bill, 1 on rock crawler, 3 on spinner bait. We saw water from 54-60°. The snaggers were out in force. We counted 16 boats at the confluence of Flat and James around noon, everything from 10' jons to mega pontoons.
  3. Wow. I haven't seen that many good fish in a long time. Congrats.
  4. Personally, I'm heading back up to the south next time I go.
  5. "I have a 600 cca deep cycle battery i use for my trolling motor." Therein lies your problem. You have a cranking battery. You need a deep cycle trolling motor battery. Get one with 180 or more RC not CCA.
  6. Me too. I tried all kinds of baits. I only had 2 bites all day long and both on the little guy fishing parallel to a ledge in 15 fow. I had 2 green fish...1 keep 1 short.
  7. Good luck. A guy who "knew" the safe route guided me up there in my boat one time. It only cost me $800 for repairs.
  8. Dutch

    Mutton to CC

    I might be able to tell you that if I knew where that spring is.
  9. Fished for whites today. Threw lots of stuff caught 10 whites and 4 blacks on grubs. No other bait got a bite. Water was dingy and 47°-49°. Must have fished 30 points. All fish were on or near a point.
  10. I'd take 35 bass with 15 keepers every trip out in the money or not. Great going.
  11. That thing would catch so much wind I might be able to get around faster in a kayak. The price tag is way up there too.
  12. Beats me. I'd contact the COE if I ran into a fee at one of those ramps and get some clarification.
  13. I got some stick on lights and tried them out one night. Not anything near what I was hoping for. I've given up on the idea. I'll just fish the moon and let the other go besides the quote I got was $700. I'd rather spend that on a hydraulic jack plate.
  14. For what it is worth, a few years ago I talked to a guy who was doing a white bass study. He had been shocking them above Aldrich. One of our nasty cold fronts came through and not a white could be found until they got back down around High Point.
  15. There are no private ramps on COE lakes. There are however, private docks. If you use the one on the south side don't get on the Bridgeport dock unless you want a good butt chewing.
  16. So wrench what kind of PFD do you have and hate?
  17. I have an old SOSpender inflatable that is quite uncomfortable. I don't wear it unless I am fishing alone. I am looking for a new one that is comfortable and can be worn all day long. The Mustang gets good reviews but I have no direct knowledge of it. Inflatable pfd wearers what do you use and how comfortable are they.
  18. Nice looking fish there pard. That is a good day in any body's book. I got to go but could only last 4 hours. I put in at Hartley and drove up the river so see how bad the mud was. It is nasty. I fished a few places to see if there was a mud bite. There wasn't one for me. I drove back to the clearer water and fished until I had to quit. I threw a bunch of stuff but only caught fish on the A rig. I only caught 6 green fish but all were keepers. If I can I'm going back Sunday am.
  19. They are drawing it down but it is still close to 10' above power pool.
  20. Thanks for the report. The Dr cleared me yesterday to go fishing so my plan is to launch at Hartley and fish both ways. The A rig is my bait of choice for tomorrow.
  21. Well she is almost a foot above power pool so if you know the area you should be good to take anything you want.
  22. I was hoping for a white bass report. Evidently you decided to look for green fish instead.
  23. Thanks. It is the residue left on after just wiping off that has my concern. I hope it isn't a dust and muck catcher that makes for more work later. I guess time will tell.
  24. A friend dropped a jug off at my house. I've never used it before. I've used a lot of products and most of them had to be applied wiped rinsed then dried off. This stuff says you can spray it on and wipe it off without rinsing. Anyone have any first hand knowledge about this product?
  25. I tend to be the same way. If it ain't broke...
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