When you get the unit, keep it on auto for a while. You may find that is good enough. There are several pallets from which to choose for color on 2d and structure scan.
200 kHz will get you the best pics on 2d. You will have to experiment with ss and find a pallet you like. On ss contrast, range and kHz are about all of the adjustments you will be able to do.
If you take a little trip over to the Lowrance forum at www.bassboatscenral.com you can read all about setting your unit up and there is also a forum on screen shots that will help familiarize you with recognizing some of the stuff you will see as you drive around scanning.
My first 2 days with ss all I did was drive around and look at stuff with ss and my chart along with a good structure map in one hand. It is a whole new world.