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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by awhuber

  1. The last dozen I bought had a bar code stickers on them...
  2. LAD/ Pioneer forest own a lot of the land along the current river as mentioned Chalk bluff also cave spring (that is why it is not closed due to wns) also all the land from round spring down past big creek. The land does have a scenic easement on it.
  3. My favorite smb float on the Courtois is Brazil to Berryman. You could do it now with a little draggin.
  4. Bow fishing.
  5. Old gigging injuries...
  6. I am reporting this post to Kruger, MDC bashing not allowed. I am not suprised by your report ,as I hear the fisheries dude on the radio monthly.
  7. I pay $25 for 3 cords of standing trees in marked areas of MTNF. Thanks again!
  8. You can cut wood in the National Forest. Thanks for suppling my heating wood! Dont the guides and the guidees pay taxes?
  9. Head up my way here, we can float the Meramec around Short bend and have to go under several lawyers and doctors barbed wire fences.
  10. Hmmm same thing could be said about laywers...
  11. http://www.columbiamissourian.com/news/state_news/how-the-conservation-department-found-its-way/article_2eae8222-fd95-11e4-8607-fbe1ef6fadc4.html Lilley's Landing mentioned in this article.
  12. I hear my MDC fishery dude (Nick Gironodo) on the radio every Month telling me that there are plenty of smb and the current limits do not affect the populations.
  13. MDC did their annual brown stocking, yesterday. Same size and numbers as last year. The water is low but fished real well yesterday.
  14. And a piece of history.
  15. The old Ozark mtn campground/ battlefield recently sold for $220,000 161acres. The house needed total rehab.
  16. Missouri does not have recall provisions for representitives.
  17. http://www.abc17news.com/news/state-agency-accused-of-misusing-taxpayer-dollars/32368112 Found this article explaining whats going on with this bill.
  18. I found 20 small grays in Dent co. today; Cooking them up in a few minutes. We need rain here!
  19. He was probably using a snagging rod with 80# line and a hunk-o- cheese. Got snagged on subject limb and gave a yank!
  20. Cool, the first immigrants say it ok for us to be here.
  21. And it is a waste of time to point out the logo of this site being 5 smallies on a stringer...
  22. I am not in his dictrict but know him well. He veyry well liked and is a good Rep.
  23. No I dont think they are good bills and have told Rep Ross the same.
  24. C'mon Krueger, At least you can get the name of the Rep. you are bashing correct...
  25. We are getting some "re-shoreing" but this happens every few years and some folks never learn. It looks good to the boss when you turn a $0.55 part into a $0.10 part. However when you have to buy that part for $1.90 by the thousands a few time a year to keep the screaming eagle* flying, how are you saving any dough? * assembly line
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