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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by awhuber

  1. Huh? Booze aint against the rules in State parks. They sell it at most of them.
  2. Good to go! http://radioksmo.com/your-world-today/
  3. http://www.news-leader.com/story/news/politics/2017/05/04/missouri-dnr-pledges-preserve-stream-gauges-following-flooding/101294324/
  4. Baptist to Parker is clear with no obstructions. Wed. a buddy and I floated this section. We saw the ranger headin for Salem for lunch and we had his wife drop us off at Bap.Very fast float as the gauge was at a little over 3 feet.
  5. http://www.thesalemnewsonline.com/article_b7796b8a-30f6-11e7-8147-f70a34a2dfa8.html
  6. The fish are scattered from Tan Vat To Ashley....all over the place. Thousands of dead trout laying everywhere. It will be pretty stinky around here for a while.
  7. High water mark Baptist access, Current River.
  8. 5-1-17 The whole ONSR is closed. Hopefully it will be open by the time of your float. When the feds close the area the outfitters are not allowed to put canoes out. If you are bringing your own boats you will have a better chance of floating. They were assessing damage this morning. Tan Vat Looks good Minimal damage there. Baptist Has major damage. The road is still there. We will have to move a lot of gravel off of them and the side walks. Lots of dead rainbow trout laying around. 3 feet of gravel on the new walk out to the river and the old handicap walk. I have pics but cant get them to load, sorry.
  9. Mark Twain National Forest
  10. Mice like the wiring because it's made outta food. http://thisbluemarble.com/showthread.php?t=25163
  11. Dang...Sorry Ive only worked on my discos but you know someone here will know.
  12. Grand Gulf is one of my favorites. It is not owned by the State of MO. It is leased from the LAD foundation.
  13. The only reason you cant put canoes in is...There isnt enough water...lol. 200' to the old put in or 75' at the handicap boat and gear haul.
  14. Yep work is finished. I was gonna post some pics but I didnt want to upset anyone...
  15. The folks that own Curt's mobile homes in Salem are the same folks that owned Rightway homes.
  16. Welcome! This is a great forum.
  17. That is a sidewalk.
  18. The last pic is taken while standing at the entrance to handicap access. In the distance is the fishing line receptacle. Pretty long haul for boats and gear!
  19. Just about finished only the paving remains to be completed. It will be a long haul for boats and gear until the river cuts a new channel closer to the new road.
  20. The rebuilding is on going.
  21. http://www.stltoday.com/news/local/crime-and-courts/missouri-to-pay-million-to-family-of-man-who-drowned/article_1f946683-edc3-5a49-88cb-2be41553d597.html?utm_content=buffer459f5&utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook.com&utm_campaign=LEEDCC
  22. 1st.The new road route. 2nd Standing on the handicap walkway looking back toward toilet. 3rd exit of the loop.
  23. Moving right along. You will now have to carry boats from the barricades. Firist pic is the the start of the old loop. 2nd. removing the old walkway. 3rd Stacked walkway in the overnight lot.
  24. I am worried that is one those dead man switches. I'm worried that Phil is not with us anymore and now all are posts will be released to the media!
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