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Mitch f

Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Mitch f

  1. My wife has over 500 cheap masks from China
  2. You bought the 3.5 HP model!😂
  3. I can just hear them... ”Those people have never been outside and seen the real world!”
  4. I edited my first response!
  5. Then she dressed up like a nurse, and you had a hospital robe on and you chased each other around the house! She knows to stop when you scream Armageddon !!😂
  6. I swear by this stuff
  7. Yep
  8. No, just measuring and reverser engineering I’m Co-Owner of this business https://trimetgroup.com Metrology is the study of weights and measures, although our business has evolved into laser scanning and modeling over the last 15 years. I’ve been a metrologist for 30 years, my father was a Metrologist for 30 years before me...I guess I came by it honestly! 😂
  9. We’re doing ok, my business has taken a pretty sizable hit. Companies are reluctant to bring people in to their buildings, and so a limited number of folks are bringing parts to our shop for Metrology services. My wife has a job managing the charitable contributions of a super rich family so the downturn won’t affect her job...thank goodness
  10. Yes I agree, the market fundamentals seemed pretty solid before this hit. My old financial advisor always told us to have 3-6 months of expenses liquid in case of an emergency....he was right
  11. I certainly agree with you 100%
  12. I love the masks, I would wear it. I love the fact that your wife is organizing a small group. That’s like the old days!! As far as getting somewhat political, the government should never be there to supply all our needs. The bigger the government, the smaller the person.
  13. He was fishing Table rock around the state park area
  14. Zombie Apocalypse when you catch a bass on an A-Rig like my buddy did today but it already had a crankbait in his mouth
  15. Deets dies comforting a crying baby Indian
  16. Mitch f

    What's Cooking?

    I thinking a new line of Cast Iron skillets?
  17. Mitch f

    What's Cooking?

    @ness would you please stop sending your bulk Cilantro to my house??? It’s getting old...the UPS driver and I are chuckling
  18. Getting close to home
  19. Maybe we should rethink our practice of teaching catch and release to those folks in St. Clair and Pulaski County!
  20. You’re correct Sir
  21. The leading edge should be above the bottom of the boat and the trailing edge should be about an inch below...some guys say 3/4”
  22. You’re welcome...we definitely need to make it happen! Congratulations on your new health and life!!!
  23. “Deets ain’t one to give up on a garment just because it’s got a little age!”
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