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Mitch f

Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Mitch f

  1. I'm third generation Church of Christ, still attend Lafayette C of C in St.Louis
  2. Mitch f

    What's Cooking?

    My wife making homemade Pot Stickers from scratch! About every two weeks she does this!
  3. Mitch f

    What's Cooking?

    Mr Billethead, please call me when it's time to eat. I couldn't be much help in the cooking part. Is there anything you make that's just mediocre???
  4. I never met him or read the Stockton forum too often, but I remember a few of his posts. One thing we all have in common is our love for fishing. I will say in all honesty, there are very very few avid fisherman I wouldn't trust. Sounds like he was a great guy, it sucks his life had to end so tragically. God Bless him and his family
  5. I'd hate for Al to reduce his income that much!
  6. Mitch f


    Really nice fish! These 20" fish are getting increasingly harer to come by in Missouri
  7. Alright, That's it! I'm voting for Pat Paulson for President!
  8. so I stand corrected. I guess it was easy because they just typed in a password left over on the guys computer
  9. Mitch f

    What's Cooking?

    Great food RPS and Wrench
  10. Good point Ham, like Hoglaw, the Vanish almost ruined me. The new stuff seems Exactly as you described. I also have heard great stuff about the CX premium. Thanks everyone for the responses!
  11. I love the term "hacked" that's being used. Makes it sound like a bunch of Russian spies. They were afraid their former employee left with intellectual property and found a few passwords and tried a few until they found the right one.
  12. Good advice Phil, some of the other forums I've been on are just raunchy. It just gets old after a while. BTW, I've heard some 10 year olds that could make a truck driver blush. Better lower the age to 3 or 4
  13. Coming up should be interesting.
  14. Ness is running under the "Clean up the Mess with Ness" slogan.
  15. He's running for President you know
  16. I wonder if it's part of the Rusty Crawfish crackdown
  17. Yep, or a 7 pound channel cat on a Wiggle Wart in between 2 docks in the Big Bass Bash
  18. Wow, how stupid can you get! .....not you Ness
  19. How about the "Ness" Rig?
  20. I think the Ned Rig/Ned Head, is Dave's baby....Just like the craw is my baby. I end up trying to use it in every situation where there is a soft plastic application. I try to develop new ways of rigging it, new ways of fishing it, and probably use it in more situations than I should. After all, it's what makes me happy.
  21. Looks like you guys had fun!
  22. Interesting, sounds counterintuitive to most of us jig fishermen, (losing contact) but I've learned over the years that letting a jig fall on completely slack line is most times best, and to do that correctly, you almost need to loose contact. For the most part I don't use braid, fluorocarbon. For me, too much hassle. I suppose if I fished TR I might do it.
  23. Now now now now, you've done quit preachin and started meddling!....or I should say Neddling ? Let's not take this too far As far as bigger fish, the method of slowing it down and fishing next to cover isn't exclusive to the Ned!
  24. A slap on the wrist and a $400 fine
  25. Waiting for a tow truck driver so I have time to kill. I remember reading an article in Missouri Conservationist or one of those magazines back about 20 years ago or so. The article consisted of a guy dressing up in camo and sneaking up on huge smallies in a creek with live crayfish. He said the most difficult thing to do was snatching the crayfish away from the little ones so the big one could get it. This is how I think of the Ned Rig. A great bait for clear highland reservoirs and a fantastic numbers bait. If I wanted to catch keepers to fill a 5 fish sack on a tough no-wind day on a lake, I would go for it. But not for the kicker fish. Too many other baits that would select for bigger fish. As for hype, I don't think people were hyping it so much as they were over analyzing it. Kind of like I did with the laser scanning of the Wiggle Wart thing. Then we hear of guys only using it and nothing else. Most people, unless you're a guide and have to satisfy a client, or fishing with a child, don't need to be pacified with small fish to be happy. Then there's the fishing with a clicker thing. There's the story of Ned not liking tournaments because it takes away for the joy of catching fish, then not letting anyone in the 110 fish club unless they catch 110 fish in 4 hours or something like that.....which takes away from the joy of fishing too and makes him seem hypocritical. But in no way do I want to take away from Dave's ability to fish with it. I think Deave personally has helped buccooo's of people catch fish that wouldn't normally be able to on TR, Bull Shoals type lakes.
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