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Mitch f

Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Mitch f

  1. Forgive me for this dumb example, but: The Russian guy who invented stealth surfaces that evaded radar wrote a book about it pre-World War II. Nothing was done with that book, until an engineer from Lockheed skunkworks read the book and adapted the formulas to create the first stealth aircraft. So, who was smarter the one who invented it, or the one that perfected it? I guess the best answer is that practically, the one who perfected it was the most important
  2. Mitch f

    Smoked Pig

    Yummi, are you bringing it to the River Smallies event?
  3. Well, you had fun and caught a couple of nice fish! I'd call that a good day
  4. I never begrudged a guy for taking an idea and running with it. As long as no patents are being infringed upon.
  5. What's the water color like in the river?
  6. Good report!
  7. Yes, he's an awesome guy!
  8. I've had this article for at least 10 years, and it appears to be at least 10 years older than that, so I'm guessing this was 20 years ago or so. Every time I watch Phil Lilley is his videos, he seems to be doing exactly what this article states. This was written for Walleye, but I guess the bite triggering technique is universal for many game fish.
  9. Yep, definitely a hybrid! And a nice one!
  10. Yep, upon further examination I think you guys are correct! I also think Paul's correct, might have a little spot in him
  11. Those are very nice fish, but you need to work on holding up BASS correctly so it doesn't damage the fishes jaw
  12. That's a dandy!
  13. Agree with you and Gavin Big fish can seem clumsy sometimes stabbing and missing at a fast moving lure in the middle of the water column. Or then again, in the cases where I've seen big fish take the lure, I was enticing them to hit it. Seems like the big ones always seem to nail a topwater lure when they want to. With the exception of Musky and Northern Pike. They sometimes miss the bait by a foot!!
  14. Too bad we can't fish when the river is on it's first rise! I need to get out, looking forward to the River Smallies event. Maybe the water level will be perfect then!!
  15. Mitch f


    I need some man! I've got Chinese at home who want it!
  16. Was the river on a faster than average fall? like more that 6" per day or more?
  17. Mitch f

    World Cup

    Was this the Maria with the large Adam's Apple?
  18. Mitch f

    World Cup

    Ahh Maria, yes, know her well!!
  19. Mitch f

    World Cup

    I had the pleasure 4 years ago to be in Barcelona stadium and watch Messi and company play against Bayern. That stadium held 100k people and it was packed. They had drunk Germans flooding their mass transit system (which we rode on too) and they also had about 15 paddy wagons ready, complete with cops, to take care of business. I'll never forget it!
  20. Mitch f


    Wow, a friend just went thru that...extremely painful! Prayers are with you Mike
  21. The second smallmouth down looks like a hybrid
  22. So the guy was trying to get it out of the tent and got bit on the thumb? I would've been using a long stick, but I don't want to play Monday-morning quarterback.
  23. I think the hi-vis line thing is a great idea. I remember not being able to see Fireline.
  24. Man, you are the Blue Gill King! I had a great time as usual fishing with you with a fly rod last week! those things are aggressive!
  25. Welcome, I've done quite a bit of fishing in the Hot Springs area. You've got some awesome places to fish down there!
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