I second this........I did the braid/leader thing for a few years and have convinced myself that it's not worth the time and effort of tying 3 knots (double uni plus one) whenever you break off. I might be convinced again someday that it's worth the trouble with a spinning rod set up. I suppose if I was finesse fishing very deep water in a lake with a spinning rod, and I thought line stretch would hamper the sensitivity, I might be convinced to do it again. But since I mostly fish rivers and rarely deeper than 15 ft deep , I don't see the need for it. Like DClose said maybe I had my drag too tight to begin with. Having said that, I broke off too many fish with fluoro by itself, even without having a braid main line. I think I would rather use a hybrid line like Yozuri and be done with it .My fishing time is too precious now with a family with young kids that I want to get as many casts in a day as possible. I hate even taking the time to eat a sandwich, but that's just me!