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Mitch f

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Everything posted by Mitch f

  1. My office is in the 270/44 industrial park right next to the river south of 44. I crossed the bridge yesterday and thought the same thing. Then I went home 141 and noticed it as well. I often take a lunch and end up at Denny Dennis sporting goods a couple of times a week
  2. All good advice that would only be given by someone with a lot of experience doing that. Thanks for the good info!
  3. They will definitely work! Great job!
  4. Awesome fish guys!
  5. 2nd picture could be on any magazine cover 3rd picture is amazing in so many ways, first of all it looks like your brother is hung on a log. This fish doesn't seemed too concerned because I doubt if he knows he's hooked yet! Also, what happened to all the hybrid pictures?
  6. This rod is a casting rod. It loads very well. Look at the rating...it's very sensitive, with a fast tip and with a little practice casts well with an 1/8 oz lure. It is on the border for the backbone power I'm used to when setting the hook , but it does the job regardless. These rods are $150. Al picked me up another light jig rod at the Classic last year that has better hook set power and loads well, it's a Razr rod 6 ft medium with a fast tip. These are my go to light jig rods. They require a little practice to get used to but I can stand in my driveway and cast in the middle of next door neighbors yard with an 1/8 oz jig and trailer, a Lew's speed spool, and 8 lb test line. That distance is 40 yards, which is more than you'll ever need on the river.
  7. I showed these pictures to my wife and she said, "Who are those guys?, they are crazy!" I told her, "No, they are not crazy...they are fisherman!
  8. Thanks, looking forward to the pictures. I know there are some good trout pics out there too!
  9. Truer words have never been said! I've been guided by real jerks who were the best dang fisherman around. Kind of like fishing with the soup nazi. But when I do get a guide, I get one that's good so I can learn from him and hopefully catch a nice fish. Catching a nice fish is just icing on the cake.
  10. Wow, I think as was mentioned it was lack of communication and possibly an unrealistic expectation. Sometimes guides fish other lures to try and find out what they're dialed into that day. But I think there was something else going on here behind the scenes. Remember the guide spends a bunch of gas money on the truck and boat. Gosh, I would hate to be a guide!
  11. I heard the bigger band is coming between 1 and 3 in STL but we will see!
  12. I know it's on the bleeding edge of it's usefulness, but by the time you combine an 1/8th oz head with a trailer and whatever material you tie on, it makes it better. You need to really match the equipment correctly to make this happen. It took years to find a rod that was suitable to do this. High winds will definitely put a damper on this rig though. I just really like throwing bait casters and I will only fish a spinning rod if I have to. Just a personal preference. I think the majority of people should fish a spinning rod for this application.
  13. Yep, wind is blowing sideways!
  14. Well, Time again to post your fish pictures that you're proud of. Any species will do. Come on, let's post your pics! The first group was donated to me from our own "Mr. Smallmouth" .....CWC87 I love number 2 with his little boy and the snoopy rod! The last 2 pics with gig scars! Then Gavin's lunker!, then not necessarily in the correct order GreasyB's 2 pigs and a couple of nice ones I caught including my PB heaviest, not longest And last but not least, CWC87 holding up a couple of Gasconade hawgs!
  15. Buzz, there's no doubt pork trailers are fish catchers, I even have some of the new Uncle Josh trailers myself,I think they're called straight meat or something like that. They do catch fish and last all day, (or until you hang up the jig in 10 ft of water). But to me the negatives outweigh the positives. They've finally came out with different shapes, which is good. I've still got 10 old crusty jars of pork in my basement that I'm going to make a suit out of There are simply more varieties of plastics that are easier to work with. I will admit pork has a little better action in winter, but with the hair on the jig I really don't think it matters. Like Al said sometimes you don't want the extra action. A good example are the guys who are float n fly gurus down at Dale Hollow, East Holten, and all those other highland type lakes in that part of the country. They actually rub "fish dope" on the craft hair to cut down on the action in the winter sometimes. Basically like putting Vaseline on hair...it ain't moving after that.
  16. And a nice smallmouth to boot! Looks like fun!
  17. Good Luck Seth! Also: I agree with Al on the plastics vs pork.... Here's a good article about the subject. http://www.bassmaster.com/node/101041
  18. Nothing against the vets but I wonder if it was a sliver of metal or foreign object of some king that was deeply imbedded and got infected? or possibly a spider bite, bee sting? Edited to say sorry didn't see until now it started out with both eyes, wonder if it was an allergic reaction gone bad
  19. Got it fixed for $10
  20. No worries Billethead, I've never seen a jump shoot that went perfect. One time we were goose hunting in a field and we called about one hundred Canada's in but they kept circling wide and eventually landed about 250 yards away. My brother and friend crawled for one hour and were finally in a position to shoot. They booth stood up at the same time and the birds flared. They both immediately slipped in the mud and fell flat on their face and never got a shot off. The rest of us almost peed in our pants from laughing!
  21. Ok, I get the hint
  22. You can also rig a standard catfish bell weight sinker inside. The bell weights already have a line tie attached, push them inside like Al's split shot method and bring them forward until you can see the line tie of the sinker thru the plastic, just don't poke it thru the plastic. Then run your hook thru the line tie of the sinker and T-rig and skin hook as usual. This keeps the sinker in place, especially if it's smaller than the inside diameter of the tube.
  23. Awesome Jigs Gavin!!!! The hook on the bite me's are the ones I cant find..they are awesome! Black nickel O'Shaunessy Gamakatsu. They must have a special contract with Gamakatsu
  24. I've been experimenting with others lately but here is my standard: http://lurepartsonline.com/Online-Store/Leader-Wire/Multistrand-Coils.html choose the 60 lb, .021" diameter
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