19. If everyone in your household actually learns something from a potty training video tape.
20. If you have to stop counting sheep because you're becoming aroused.
Funny you say that because I was just thinking about getting a cooler for my jet boat. When in transit the passenger in my boat has no where to sit and I need a moveable cooler to distribute the weight and have a seat for the passenger to sit. I looked at my cooler the other day and it is marked on top "Do Not Sit". For some of the yeti sized people I've had in my boat, maybe I do need a Yeti
If you were packing 400 pounds of Moose meat to get to a waiting airplane up in the Yukon, 3 times a week, it might be worth it. I kind of like the idea that someone took something and perfected it! as far as the 4 blade razors..........But are they edible?
ps. Always wear safety glasses when trying this at home!
Do you have pics with gig scars? This one looks pretty fresh. Some dude upstream from you stuck him and drifted downstream and died. Did you find him on the bottom?
Yea, the GMO debate is a big one. I agree we need to get back to the basics and stay away from the processed food in the middle of the grocery store. Even the parasites don't want that stuff!!
Honestly, I thought that myself but I just did it and decided to stick to it and not cheat ( I did eat some fish the other day). I'm 52 with a 3 year old at home and decided I needed to get control of my health and not die of a heart attack when she is 12 years old.
Larry, you see my frustration with a canoe. If, like me, you don't have the canoe skills of an Al Agnew, you spend at least 50% of your time trying to stay above the water and 50% fishing. It's hard to fish a stream that way. Plus, clear water is tough, don't care who you are!
Hey, it's only for a month. All kidding aside I might just eat meat on the weekends from now on, who knows. I might limit myself to a huge dripping ribeye once a month. Most nutritionists agree we, as a whole need to eat less meat and more veggies.
Took my daughter to the doctors office the other day and read a poster on the wall. The poster was entitled "How to reduce your risk of cancer" or something close to that. One of the first things it said was reduce your amount of red meat intake.
My wife and I started discussing this over the phone as soon as I walked out of the doctor's office and decided we would go plant based for one month and see how it goes. Wow, it's tough but after 2 weeks I have already lost 8 pounds and don't have that heavy feeling anymore. Am I going to stick with it forever? don't know but watched a show called "Forks over Knives" and really hit home. I realize there is much propaganda in that movie but some of the facts are too heavy to ignore.
Usually the smaller stream streams won't be jet boat friendly enough to support illegal gigging, but this is a new way of poaching that I really never thought was happening. I guess it's like resistant bacteria, shut them down and they keep finding new ways to harm you! Much less initial investment, a snorkel and a spear gun....very mobile and easy to hide.
They say the abductor was a family acquaintance. That's probably the only reason the poor little girl got in the car with him. I can't even stand to think about this, I have daughters of my own and clutch them tighter after I read things like this