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Mitch f

Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Mitch f

  1. I just went fishing for a big bass named Chief and caught him on top water
  2. Yep, know exactly where you were at!
  3. http://site.6park.com/life2/index.php?app=forum&act=threadview&tid=13824256 I apologize in advance for wasting 1:34 of your life
  4. We will all carry a phone powerful enough to be a darn good PC, we will "rent" high end software and it will be attached to our phone bill. Oh Wait....that's what we are doing now?!?!?! A grocery store will just read your back account as you walk by so no checkout lines. You will have an imbedded ID under your skin (which I will refuse to get). There will be counterfeit services who will charge a fee to reprogram your ID tag. A camera will be watching you fishing (they already can) to make sure you don't take over your limit. The fisherman......oh excuse me fisher person will have a heads up display wirelessly connected to the fish finder to guide the trolling motor to the species of fish your after. The fish will be directed to the cleaning station inside the boat which will fillet the fish and compress the guts and carcass into a small pellet that is released back into the Eco system for turtle and minnow food. BTW, the fish finders will be connected to Google Maps to get real time updates of changing terrains and weather conditions. There will also be 10 transducers to triangulate for absolute location accuracy and the ability to discern between trees, rocks and types of fish. All the fish will be scanned and the images will be put in a folder that will be staged for an OAF post, creating a story outline and Brian Wise type movie with music and special effects. Alright I'm done now
  5. FWIW, Mike Huckabee will have a talk on the White River Blue Way tonight. I know this is Fox news but it might be worth watching....maybe just enough to get your blood to boil
  6. Scott has been a zealot for smallmouth since I met him, thanks to him and Paul for bringing this to light. There are others as well who are working hard behind the scenes to get some of these poachers caught and punished. Makes me happy!
  7. No kidding, well she has enough equipment to choose from!
  8. Well, my wife kept her last name when we got married, it's a Chinese thing. I don't care in the least....she's my wife and everyone knows it. Also, my daughter also has a Chinese middle name.
  9. I don't recognize this country anymore, what a joke
  10. Mine loves to reel in the Lew's Speed spool!
  11. Yes, she's an unbelievably talented singer!
  12. I always liked the Dillard's from Salem Missouri. They actually covered a bunch of Beatles songs Bluegrass style, which were quite good!
  13. Come on now guys.....it was a Heron
  14. Well, it's one of the risks of your hobby!
  15. Welcome, you sound like you have the right expectations!
  16. Had a good stay at Bavarian lodge at Table Rock. The room was nice and clean and was a good value.
  17. You know I was only pulling your chain man, you've forgotten more about fishing than most know!! Anyway, the lure sounds like something I need!!
  18. You and Paul are great fisherman! But why are his always bigger?? Ha ha
  19. Great story man! I'm jealous!!!! It's good you can get together with the families. My wife wouldn't do that. Camping I mean
  20. Pretty sure I recognize that big rock:bluff on the right!!
  21. It seems like the pendulum always swings too far the other way. I know the words Racist and Hater Are used way too much these days to describe somebody who doesn't agree with you. I think many of our elected officials want to keep racial division front and center. Keeps the electorate fired up.
  22. Take it easy OTF, I don't think anyone is defending it. I think they are upset about the craziness of the fallout and the double standard. We all have African American friends.
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