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Mitch f

Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Mitch f

  1. I don't carry but I don't fear the CC guys more than the meth heads like Jack Jones does
  2. Oh Al, you're a piece of cake!!
  3. I've always wondered why giggers can't be limited to certain areas. Especially when it comes to special management areas. Geez, we have so many limits as fishermen that it makes no sense they can't be limited as well. I used to think the closer you get to St Louis, the worse the resource abusers. I've changed my mind in the last few years after witnessing the gigging abuses that have been documented. I think it was cwc87 that recently posted that illegal gigging awareness is at an all time high, let's hope that makes poachers think twice about sticking a bass.
  4. The only time politics seem to bother people is when it's from the other side, I'm as guilty as the next.
  5. OMG Bman you're back, great to have you back!
  6. I don't think so, only soft plastics. I've used spinnerbaits in the trophy trout areas for smallmouth for years and have never been questioned
  7. Your cup runneth over, right? I'm having trouble believing your truck is dirty, you could eat off the floor the last time I road in it!
  8. Enrico Puglisi fibers?
  9. was it all you expected?
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E7TGlcHy3ug
  11. Thanks Jeremy for clearing that up! maybe as fishermen we need to adopt a new form of language similar to Ebonics, but what would we name it? hmmm
  12. Can some please translate into English from Redneck? Maybe they've been eating too many smallmouth and contracted brain parasites!
  13. . Sounds like you did everything right, the only I might have tried is to pitch that fluke right back in where the big one missed your Sammy!
  14. Went yesterday, the bigger ones were hitting the jig, lots of dinks on top. The bigger fish were all in 2 spots....I think Al knows those 2 spots well
  15. So Cheif will play the guitar and sing to scare bad guys away?
  16. Yes I do, my opinion is save your money. Even though it's adjustable, I tend to leave the lower jaw position in one spot. I think the finish of the lure is absolutely superb though.
  17. Since there is a QT less than a half mile from my house, I always gas up and get ice there. I usually get a chicken sandwich, chips, fruit and sometimes a cookie or two. Gatorade and water for the drinks. I usually don't drink beer when it's hot, not sure why...my body just tells me water and Gatorade.
  18. Well Al, it's funny, the thing that my brother and I enjoy about fishing with each other is that we don't have to worry about a long embarrassing silence between conversations. I like fishing with you for the same reason. I also very aware of the fact you like the solo canoe but appreciate your offer of me getting into a tandem with you, but I know that you are being nice but secretly want me to say no I actually do the same thing. I'm very happy to unite people onThis forum and hope some of you have noticed that. My thrill is to be around like minded people who are passionate about fishing. I'm not the greatest fisherman around but I truly learn something from each and every person I fish with.
  19. 20 years ago my buddy and I had an opportunity to buy 100 acres near Mineola. The valleys were perfect to build a lake with only about a 50-60 yard long dam. According to the topo maps the lake would have been 23 acres. At the time we decided not to for some dumb reason. The land was dirt cheap and we've been kicking ourselves ever since. The land is now divided into three different owners, splitting the lake down the middle.
  20. In the past I've night fished at LOZ with 10 black power worms around docks. We always used a black light with Stren clear blue fluorescent line. It makes theine show up like a neon light. You definitely wouldn't want to use it in clear shallow water.
  21. Catch him on a musky lure
  22. Fish stop biting Dec 1st, don't listen to anyone!!
  23. Although you can catch big winter fish if you know the right spots, Deer season to Thanksgiving has always been my most consistent big fish time. Should have been more specific Al but didn't have enought time to make a good post
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