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Mitch f

Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Mitch f

  1. Doesn't consuming local honey protect you from allergies?
  2. Exactly, I'm beginning to like those spots more and more. Your average canoer/fisherman will obviously hit the other side of the river and pass that spot up without a thought. Gotta go outside the box for some of the bigger fish nowadays. BTW, you and Mary have a safe trip to Montana and catch a 24" brown while your there!
  3. My advice FWIW, let her know your passion for fishing right now.....this way she won't freak out when you want to go so often.
  4. One of many instances where modern technology fails us. Oh yea, forgot to say I caught a white bass on a topwater as well. What did you think about that algae bloom?
  5. Yes, it was a great time. Wanted to thank Greasy for being the back guy in the canoe all day, I tried to switch but he wouldnt do it. Greasy and I caught twin 15" largies 1/2 mile down from the put in on almost consecutive casts on topwater which was a great way to start. Also caught a 16" smallmouth with one foot of line out on top (startled the crap out of me). Can't wait to hear a report from Gavin, Andrew, and Mike. Also, the two of us together caught as many as Al...I've given up trying
  6. People should know better!
  7. Love the old Bang O Lure
  8. Got a pop max if you want to try it Thursday
  9. Only problem is the Neosho fillets wouldn't be enough to feed my 2 year old!!!
  10. I didn't think you fished any other way!
  11. Hey Mike, send me your email and cell#
  12. It's all I have man!
  13. I go to both places,but the guys are more fun to talk to at Hargroves. Kind of like the guys that used to hang out at a gas station.
  14. You see it everywhere in the retail world, the techie guy with no people skills thinking he can rely on his expertise to start his own place. Then he hangs a shingle out and expects hords of people to magically walk thru the door. Epic Fail.
  15. Great info, thank you
  16. Didn't know you were ill, great news
  17. I pass my rods everyday on the way out of the garage. I'm going stir crazy! My jet is gassed up and the batteries are fully charged! Gentlemen Start your Engines!!! Cars get out of my way...people clear the boat ramp or I will run you over! My first cast will be a Sammy that works so fast and splashes so hard it will look like a peacock bass presentation. My cup runneth over. I will fear no evil! ........ Mr Drochelman, Mr Agnew, Mr Poppen, Greasy, someone help
  18. Eric, saw this old post!!! LOL "all the way to Manchester"? 30 minutes for us man
  19. It's almost like attending an open air concert or a sporting event for some people, with even less rules and enforcement. I saw a guy launching a jet ski on the Meramec the other day. Wondered why he couldnt have gone to a local lake. But, like you, I'm beginning to think the only thing left is to go to a hard to access creek and fish.
  20. Brown trout fishing has been well documented on that river as well.
  21. Daryk- it's really not possible if you have a brain. Strictly momentum. I can't even imagine what the bottom of the boat looks like. One false move and they punch a hole in the bottom and they will have a hell of a problem. Andy, I think your right. The rivers may look like this someday. Crazy, they must have an inboard 250hp Greasy-ditto
  22. So we are in agreement
  23. The problem is and always has been that people just use a good thing to death. The rivers in this state are so beautiful they should be around for all to enjoy. But eventually they will be a thing of the past and gone forever. We can try to slow down the demise as best we can, but I fear it's all for naught. There's a river up north that I love to go to in the past few years. It was such a good smallmouth stream that word got out. Now they run 2 fly fishing guide boats done the river everyday in the summer. How sad it is, but like Jerry said it is open to the public and I need to get over it. If it wasn't for the fact that they are fly fishermen instead of conventional bass fisherman I might get more upset. I'm not begrudging any outfitter or guide from making a living but I don't like introducing any more businesses on the river, same as people don't like to see my jet boat in the river. We are all selfish and that's just the way it is. I would be happy to pay extra as a rental to provide more enforcement if it was only a "tax" to the users of the resource like a toll road tax. I reject certain free MDC accesses right now because of vandalism. I will gladly pay $5 to park away from the riff raff. Why can't the canoe outfitters charge a tad extra and have a private security service help out? I think I would be willing to pay for the extra protection. I know many outfitters have a security guard on staff. Seems like they could use it as a selling point. Don't waste trying to pass another tax, figure out a way to get private industry to help. Why not?
  24. 20-25 days per year if I'm lucky. I have a 2 yr old and a 10 year old. The 10 year old loves to fish for 1 hour or so, then we need to find a gravel bar and start looking for craws and mussels.
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