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Mitch f

Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Mitch f

  1. There are plenty jobs to go around. Everyone I know is hiring. But it seems there are many making a living off of government assistance. Why would they want to work if they make more sitting at home? Employers took a risk and started their business, Covid darn near ruined many businesses. Without these employees no one would have a job anyway. Im fishing this weekend and am not going to respond anymore.
  2. Well maybe you’re right about Popeye’s I guess they just suck everywhere! 😂 my bad
  3. There have been plenty of multi varied analysis performed on this subject. There are many reasons why there are wage disparities…age, agreeableness, health, gender, interests, etc. People, if let alone to their own devices usually find a place of comfort, and it’s possible that their comfortable place may not pay as much as as someone else. You can’t blame someone else for this!!
  4. Always someone else’s fault…I get it now
  5. Exactly. Everyone should have equal opportunity to make a decent wage. But instead of stressing equal opportunity they stress Equal outcome…which is robbing Peter to pay Paul. Leveling the playing field never works.
  6. Classic liberal
  7. Around here I really don’t see the working mothers in fast food. I see pretty much all teenagers. I also see the drive thru lines getting longer and longer. When I pull up to the front of the line after a long wait, many times I see a group of teens texting each other and not getting anything done. And no, fast food restaurants were never meant to be a living wage.
  8. I agree, that’s crazy I see different rules for masks and lobby closings by just traveling a couple of miles down Manchester road.
  9. With inflation becoming so high and our taxes increasing, everyone needs to make more money. Even excellent employers are having issues finding people. They can sit at home and make darn near the same money. Biden is Jimmy Carter 2.0.
  10. Just one good kid working there could make a difference. There was a kid who listened to what I said and was very knowledgeable and articulate. I seriously thought about giving him a huge tip but I was 10 miles down the road and didn’t want to turn back
  11. Then what has changed? If it’s not the welfare system what is it?
  12. What happened to the days when kids actually learned something working for fast food? I mean they learned quickly you can’t run to your safe place and the customer is always right! Miss those days.
  13. Fast food has been getting worse in the last year, I mean in a big way. The service is off the charts in a bad way. Popeyes closed after 6 pm the other day. The welfare system isn’t helping. No one wants to work anymore. What has America come to?? I feel for my kids.
  14. Thanks one heck of a fish!! Did you by chance see Matt Foley? I heard he was living in a van down by the river near Onandaga.
  15. Awesome JD!!
  16. Lethal injection is too nice for these 2
  17. Jan 6th was NOTHING 😂 compared to every weekend in Chicago. Nice try. YOU NO WUT I SAY EH? 😜
  18. You and I are very close to each other! Geographically anyway! 😂
  19. You can Rip on my town no worries 😉
  20. So it was a bad joke….I’m full of them. Gavin usually has a sense of humor! 😂
  21. I agree, I’m not downing the history just giving Gavin monkey dodo
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