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Mitch f

Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Mitch f

  1. Looks like a classic river rig! Nice boat
  2. Mitch f

    What's Cooking?

    Birthday party get together with some Chinese and American 🥘 food. Can you guess which girls are mine? 😂
  3. Is this some kind of under cover transaction? 😂 .... @Terrierman gets a cut?? And your “friend” walks away with all the dough? 😂
  4. I know this is old but it’s hilarious nonetheless… But good for her! https://www.heraldnet.com/news/former-hooters-waitress-settles-toy-yoda-lawsuit/
  5. Yes, she was 13 years old but in great health. My one daughter is blaming herself and really taking it hard. We’ve been trying to comfort her. She’s better today
  6. Come on, You know you want to be speed racer!😂😂
  7. Guys that choose to ride on the 2 lane winding road by my house in their little tights hold up traffic soooooo bad...and they don’t care! It’s all about their performance goal that day. Everyone else suffers
  8. Just lost our little Yorkie tonight. The middle daughter let her out and she saw a dog and ran over and got hit by a car. Paralyzed her and we had to put her down about an hour ago. The girls are not doing well.
  9. As far as the meet goes, Costco is supposed to have very good meat… But who really knows?
  10. About 10 years ago I had a weird experience at Costco. My mom and dad came up from Arkansas for Thanksgiving and we went shopping at Costco. My mom was in her mid 80’s at the time. Near the back of the store, my mother slipped on a piece of vegetable that somebody dropped and broke her hip. When she tried to stand up, She was wincing in pain. The ambulance took her to the hospital and they immediately repaired her broken hip and she was walking the very next day. The really strange thing was the behavior of the Costco employees and managers. They went into full political and protection mode instantly. I’m sure they thought we were going to sue them but we never did obviously. But it was very strange the way they acted,No communication whatsoever never a follow up phone call, nothing.
  11. Michael is the best
  12. Bombs 💣 for fish and wildlife. My wife knows of 2 men in her hometown that have missing hands from fish bombs going off prematurely.
  13. That guy you’re talking about sounds pretty much like a business owner who employs people. There are thousands of us who can easily spot the bull
  14. I’d like my steak well done please 😂
  15. That’s worse than Canada Goose! 😂
  16. I use it sometimes only because the majority of folks know what you’re referring to quickly, but ya...it’s not the Correct term almost every time it’s being used.
  17. Panfish are those things that get in the way before the bass hits your lure! 😂
  18. Actually most of my fishing buddies are very liberal except for a couple. We get along just fine.
  19. A liberal dem college professor in Webster Groves??? You’ve got to be kidding me!😂😂
  20. You can’t argue with TDS, it’s like trying to convince a Transgender that they were either born a male or female. Even with the science on your side they won’t believe it.
  21. Come on it ain’t that bad! 😂
  22. Sending everyone a $1200 check and a short period of unemployment benefits is a bailout and not socialism. Trying to compare the US to other European countries as an example of how great socialism can be is at best like comparing a shrew to an elephant.
  23. Well I just read that 44% of youth prefer socialism over capitalism.
  24. Sorry but I gotta keep busting your chops on this one. What does skin color have to do with anything. And as far as your “out of touch” statement....what is in touch???? the things that are in touch to the clueless young people are as follows: 1. They’ve forgotten how we got here in the first place. 2. Their work ethic sucks. 3. They want the government to take care of them. The biggest round of applause Obama ever received was when he announced in a press tour at a college that you could stay on your parents health insurance till your 24. 4. They have been indoctrinated by a socialist school system starting in grade school. 5. They didn’t read their history books. So how is being in touch with these young kids going to move this country in the right direction without turning us into a banana republic? and since I railed on the young kids, I’m also going to rail on the parents who got them there. But...some of the kids who were taught the right way to go by their parents still turned into little leeches. So it’s hard for me to blame their parents. Read number 4 again. Ok I’ll stop.
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