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Mitch f

Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Mitch f

  1. Let’s see.....wind blowing river up one foot and very slightly murky full moon slooooooow presentation anyone beginning to put these things together? 😊
  2. Well since Scott ain’t going to brag about it, I’ll brag about it for him! He caught a true Missouri giant smallmouth yesterday! Not many folks can say they caught a legit 5 pound smallmouth in Missouri, especially in a river. Well done Sir!
  3. Good luck with your surgery! I woke up 2 months ago with a bum knee. It has changed the way I walk
  4. This pic pretty much sums up my childhood
  5. We also memorized the roles of the characters.... “Franco goes in where the others have been”
  6. I really enjoyed the Dirty Dozen when I was a kid. My brother and I would act out the scene with throwing grenades down the air ducts! found it
  7. Black males born after 1975 are the most coddled group in America. They knock up their women with reckless abandon and aren’t expected to have any responsibilities whatsoever. Combine that with affirmative action and you have a recipe for disaster.
  8. That’s a drop shot shape
  9. Well, well well well, if it isn’t @ness
  10. Yes
  11. XPress 1650 with a Merc 60/40 with .100 gauge aluminum
  12. One of the guys that was copied on the email is the guy whom I assumed that complained, but I could be wrong. He walks his German Shepard in a very closely obedient military style cadence. The dog is wearing a choker chain. He responds very unenthusiastically when spoken to. Then there’s a couple of older widows who take their jobs very seriously.
  13. Yoga will definitely work!! 😂
  14. Could you please dive into the subject of women in their 40’s and the need to find a medication to elevate their mood? 😂 ps. Preferably one that can be slipped into a drink or food without being detected.
  15. My brother watched it and he said it was a must see
  16. Yea, but this True Coat
  17. Well I can derail a thread like the best of them....at least many of you guys don’t have to put up with this every year. I explain to the guy that I always take my boat from the storage facility for routine maintenance every year and every year like clockwork I receive this email. Since I’m the first house in the subdivision, I always get the drive by gawker old biddys.
  18. Me, you and Pete need to go fishing
  19. Well you haven’t been around this forum much then. Every post turns elsewhere, that’s the nature of the beast.
  20. Mitch f

    What's Cooking?

  21. What size is your jet boat? What’s pushing it?
  22. Mitch f

    What's Cooking?

    I’m shaking in anticipation as well
  23. I kind of see what you’re talking about Alex. I do see the spotted bass markings in there. But that would darn near be a state record meanmouth.
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