If they have somehow taken away the negatives of the tunnel hull design and turned it into a net positive, then by all means, that’s a good thing.
But I kind of doubt it.
Yea, I’m always thinking rivers first. For a flat with vegetation and muck, the jet prop would clog too easily. And you would lose quite a bit of speed too.
I agree with you, get a High End jet boat instead. Those tunnel hulls aren’t my first choice either. All they do is take away lift and and the ability to run shallower.
On highway 44 Eastbound around Sullivan maybe? There’s a billboard that reads :
”Trouble on the River?” Call Mazzelli and Broshot”
of course for the St. Louis crowds one way trip back home from all the canoe rentals hotspots.
So Marty, back when I used to hunt Swan Lake, you would bring your whole goose to a cleaning station where they would exchange you a cleaned frozen plucked goose for a nominal fee. You could also buy goose down pillows and blankets from the place. Are you saying that it’s illegal to do so?
Just the fact they are gigging with Suits and Ties speaks of how different things are today. Also, I’d say the average man weighed about 150 back then (but we’re probably 5’7”)and were considered chubby at 175. My how far we’ve come. Even with the height difference we’ve tuned into a bunch of overweight peeps.