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Mitch f

Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Mitch f

  1. Mitch f

    What's Cooking?

    I thought you sliced them like that! 😉
  2. Since I’m a measuring guy I say it in MM…makes the number sound bigger. Plus MM makes you sound more International.
  3. Thaaaaaaat’s what she said
  4. Hover rigs have great action but absolutely DESTROY the tops of baits
  5. Well I totally agree. just cracks me up at ICast every year that the “best new soft plastic bait” is won by the big guys.
  6. The truth hurts, Covid started it. Remember when we used to talk about 50 trailers at the ramp during the middle of the week in 2020? Someone noticed
  7. Well, as for me, I’m not saying it’s the kids fault. It’s like the kid who takes over the dad’s business and ran it into the ground. Why?, because the dads spoiled them too much. The greatest generation wanted their kids to have what they never had…they should’ve given them what they did have…a little suffering to make them tougher. The United States is still the greatest country in the world but we have been resting on our laurels for too long. The 60’s hippies are now college professors teaching our kids their BS. It’s now coming back to haunt us.
  8. Be proud!!
  9. Well we now have legal pot available for them to cope and stay stoned and happy in their safe space. I could list multiple reasons why this is happening but the thread would get shut down in 2 seconds.
  10. Looks fantastic!
  11. It’s the right time of the year for it
  12. 📸 Look at this post on Facebook https://michianaoutdoorsnews.com/fishing-gear/tournament-results/4116-health-issues-force-larry-nixon-to-retire-from-bassmaster-elite-series?fbclid=IwAR1qcl8mJHoAFuoNN-PepWeMn5lInh_Zszfu5gYVdHtec2L7ojZhR2cSSbM_aem_AU1W0xqu5JooSchGXjowLIjOnjtap-3z1B9SD77R9aIoc6yWZYrNW5a49L5Djq1HeU0
  13. Better look out….Pete will do it in a heartbeat! 😂 But he’ll fish a Bandit 300
  14. We have Black and Blue and Green Pumpkin now as well
  15. Emily Geiser…my buddy’s daughter caught a dandy smallmouth on our Hellgrammite. Love the smile!
  16. Great pics! What’s up with the doe? Is that a local at the Cave Bar and Grill too?
  17. That’s insane
  18. She actually reminded me of Farrah Fawcett with the clothes she was wearing
  19. Perfect example Although I wouldn’t say anything to him
  20. This thread went from terrorists to bicycles because someone complained about it…so I added a twist 😉. We don’t deal with the RV’s much up here but I get it. I’m always courteous to bikers and pedestrians. But the bikers are annoying as heck. Especially on 2 lane roads.
  21. I guess you’re one of those Lulu lemon shorts dudes. Use the car then!!!!
  22. Speaking of which….why are bikers allowed to ride on a busy road? They don’t pay personal property taxes on their bike! Their desire to set their PB time up a steep hill on a two lane road doesn’t override 15 car drivers duty to get to work on time!
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