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Mitch f

Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Mitch f

  1. Oh yeah Cricket, well you're a huge €£>¥¥><~~!!!!! Plus your mother wears army boots and you smell like the south end of a northbound mule! Plus I found several spelling errors on your posts. But I love you regardless
  2. The only one with the radio tags was the Current. They said it was an unbelievably slow and painstaking process to locate the released fish. The regular tagging survey was on 6 other streams but the results are still being calculated. The one stat they did give us was roughly 40% of all the tagged fished released in the regular tagging survey were caught and turned in to the MDC, which is pretty scary to me as an indicator of heavy fishing pressure. One of the most funny things was that some of the anglers had admitted after they collected the money they had lied about the hole where the fish was caught... like the MDC would steal their honey hole.
  3. Well Chief, some of the results from the MDC tracking of smallmouth were announced last night at the MSA meeting. They used radio telemetry tags to track the smallies in one river. The fish were tagged in the Big Spring hole in the Current river, by late Feb and March a few were found to travel 30 miles upstream way up into the Jacks Fork. Some big, some small, but most of the tagged fish pretty well stayed within a few miles of the spring. The other tagging results will be available soon.
  4. Headed for the Ouachita River in Mt. Ida for some good white fishing next month! I'll post some pics
  5. I prefer the newer version
  6. Don't worry Daryk, the telltale sign that someone has lost the argument is that they start GETTuN PURSONAL OR CORRECTIN GRAMMIR
  7. Those pervs 50 years ago didnt have the Internet to access hundreds more kids than they can today. Also the watchdog website color codes the people so you can tell if it's a Romeo/ Juliet situation. You can tell exactly what they were convicted of.
  8. Go to familywatchdog.us and type in your address and watch the sex offenders light up like a Christmas tree. I have 20 registered sex offenders within 5 miles of my house.
  9. By that comment I'm assuming you weren't kidding. I think Paul Dallas will be very disappointed in you. It's a different world now than when you were 9. My parents used to let me ride a bike 5 miles to the local grocery store when I was 9 years old. I wouldn't dream of letting my kids do that now. Too many human predators. I don't think the vast majority of people are carrying because they are wanna be heros. Come on
  10. I thought so, you can't get that good at casting by fishing once a week on the Big River!
  11. Didn't know you fished tourneys.
  12. Well I didn't want to get into this either but Eric is right, morons are everywhere.
  13. I admit it was hear say from 3 of my buddies from Hot Springs. And now that I remember it was closer to 15 years ago.
  14. The concealed carry guy had a cool head, I hope they all are like him. I wonder what would have happened if the mad guy went back to his car and pulled out a gun? Wild West show I guess. I'm trying to think if I was in that situation what I would've done. I supposed if I was by myself I could've just ran; but if I had my wife and kids in the car I probably would've done exactly what the second guy did, pull out the gun. I thought those CC guys were taught never to pull out the gun unless they plan on using lethal force? Never took the course so I don't know.
  15. Agreed! those loons sure don't help their cause!
  16. No, Unless you cast left handed. Switching hands is always a wasted motion and if you can get started the right way, you can save yourself a lifetime of hassle. An example would be throwing a buzzbait and switching hands... you have a couple of seconds of lost time to get the bait on top working for you.
  17. I don't doubt any of it! 10 years ago or more a bunch of Arkansas conservation people were busted for using live trout for stripers... I know this stuff goes on.
  18. That was weird on so many levels...the guy didn't know the gun fell out of his pocket, the gun fired as it hit the ground, the victim didn't know he had been shot at first. I guess Wrench was right; shot at a church function!
  19. Definitely don't do the 20 degree cone, get the widest cone angle possible.
  20. LOL, I will be in a boat, they'll have to swim to get me!
  21. LOL, Not gonna to say nuttin else, I'm dun
  22. I've actually heard of people feeding the coyotes, which obviously makes the problem worse.
  23. Who is telling you that you can't use a contraceptive?
  24. You are right about that! I wasn't talking about the odds it would happen, I was stating the possibility it could happen.
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