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Mitch f

Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Mitch f

  1. Thanks for your extremely well though out response. Do you remember the trapper that spoke at the MSA meeting? I got him off to the side and talked for a while after the meeting. If memory serves it was a couple of years after the otter controversy started. He said the where getting $80 per pelt, which was more than any other animal so they were going crazy trapping them and selling them to China.
  2. Bo knows Football Bo knows Baseball Bo knows Jigs Bo Knows!!
  3. Keep your chin up...you’re dealing with 2 horrible things...separate but not equal. You can rebound quickly from a divorce, but losing mom will take longer. At least for me. For a while, remembering mom will. Bring a tear to your eye, after a while the memories will make you smile instead of crying. God Bless
  4. 😂
  5. Very true Gavin, Lots of people without a clue making comments
  6. Ok, I’m a poacher
  7. In a small way it reminds me of the introduction of wolves in Yellowstone. Everyone has a different view of the success, I know some ranchers that aren’t happy.
  8. I want to get @Al Agnew into this conversation if possible. Hey Al, what is your thought on the introduction of otters in Missouri, and do you feel the situation is in a manageable state right now?
  9. Same thing happens to a streams, Until the trappers got things a little better
  10. This is wrong...I know of people who had had their entire ponds wiped out of catfish in no time back when they were first introduced.
  11. Nice fish! Let’s see the bait.
  12. Mitch f

    What's Cooking?

    When I like a little sauce on my steaks, I always choose Andria’s!!!
  13. Indian something or other, it’s the ramp just east of Hwy 40/61 just past the New London exit.
  14. Here’s a couple of pics from many years ago of @Greasy B kicking my butt on the Salt River
  15. Flatheads are one of Missouri’s finest eating foods!
  16. Here’s me yesterday at Taney.
  17. @fishinwrench 😂😂
  18. I’m thinking a new Flamenco guitar technique!
  19. So the new Pfizer and Moderna vaccines apparently do not contain embryonic stem cells, but the creation of both vaccines relied very much on the use of embryonic stem cells...I have a big problem with that. I probably won’t be getting a vaccine.
  20. Yep that’s a little scary! 😂😂
  21. Extremely tired of the whole thing. Wear my N95 mask when I’m out. When working in a factory, no one wears a mask but they have strict rules and follow protocol pretty closely. Covid is obviously not fake. I just can’t believe how we got into this situation in the first place. Why have a lab in Wuhan China? Why is is over there in the first place????? I don’t trust that country any farther than I can throw them. I know what they are capable of, my wife tells me horrible stories about the trustworthiness of the Chinese government. Our country is moving closer everyday to that kind of government control of speech and freedoms.
  22. Depends if they’re drawing WATA 🤓
  23. I don’t believe this is true. The trappers have helped keep them at bay which has definitely helped. I think the MDC misjudged how well they could proliferate.
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