fishinwrench Posted October 15, 2009 Posted October 15, 2009 I've heard those stories from other guides for years, and they DO make for funny stories. But in 12 seasons of guiding on LO I never had to deal with stuff like that. I made it clear to the shops that I booked through that I refused to "babysit". Basic skills and a sportsmanlike ethic were required...or I would make up an excuse to get out of it. Usually on the pre-trip phone conversation you can detect total obliviousness like that.
Micheal Kyle Posted October 15, 2009 Posted October 15, 2009 Well I have thought about this for about 24 hours I know I will catch hell for what I am getting ready to say. I really feel this unprofessional on the part of the guide. It is a paying person and they should count as much as any one else no matter how they pay, it should not matter how bad they are or disrespectful they are. . I have been told on here that I am exploiter and not a steward of the industry I realized a long time ago that I can not make everyone happy but I do put 110% in trying to. I can assure you I might talk to my buddy about a client or a customer in the store but to put it on a public forum takes it to far. From one guide to another or one fisherman to another have a little respect for your fellow man. Sorry for putting this here Phil I know you would rather me send a PM but this really needs to be said so other people know my feelings. Michael To Know People Is To Know Thier Ways!
eric1978 Posted October 15, 2009 Posted October 15, 2009 Well I have thought about this for about 24 hours I know I will catch hell for what I am getting ready to say. I really feel this unprofessional on the part of the guide. It is a paying person and they should count as much as any one else no matter how they pay, it should not matter how bad they are or disrespectful they are. . I have been told on here that I am exploiter and not a steward of the industry I realized a long time ago that I can not make everyone happy but I do put 110% in trying to. I can assure you I might talk to my buddy about a client or a customer in the store but to put it on a public forum takes it to far. From one guide to another or one fisherman to another have a little respect for your fellow man. Sorry for putting this here Phil I know you would rather me send a PM but this really needs to be said so other people know my feelings. Michael Have respect for your fellow man? How about paying for the rod you broke and cleaning the dog crap off your shoe before walking on someone's boat? Everyone's money is green, but rude is rude, customer or not.
Micheal Kyle Posted October 15, 2009 Posted October 15, 2009 I had a client break a Sage TCX $795.00 he never said anything I said oh well it has a warranty on it cost me $50.00 more for that trip. Thats the risk you take. As for the dog crap in the boat I get crap, mud rocks what ever in my boat by clients all the time. That's why we have car washes. When I had my Ranger it still happen that's why they put good quality carpet in the boats that will take a beating and still clean up. If you do not like for your equipment to get used and abused then get out of the business or do not provide any and make your clients provide it all. The point is the ridiculing of clients on a public forum. To Know People Is To Know Thier Ways!
eric1978 Posted October 15, 2009 Posted October 15, 2009 I had a client break a Sage TCX $795.00 he never said anything I said oh well it has a warranty on it cost me $50.00 for that trip. Thats the risk you take. as for the dog crap in the boat I get crap, mud rocks what ever in my boat by clients all the time. That why we have car washes. When I had my Ranger it still happen that why the put good quality carpet in the boast that will take a beating and still clean up. [b]The point is the ridiculing of clients on a public forum. I understand your point, and maybe it's not the most professional thing to do, but those guys were clearly not fishermen, so I'm pretty sure they're not sniffing around on OAF. And it's not like he mentioned the guys' names. This forum is for fishermen, and I doubt that telling an anecdote about a couple of jerks is turning off many potential customers reading these posts. I know you have to expect a certain amount of thoughtlessness from customers, but it's just common courtesy to be respectful of other people's stuff. There are certain things I would expect from a guide: being on time, putting me on fish, giving me advice. Cleaning up my mess and letting me break his stuff is not on the list. Would you walk into someone's place of business with a pile of stink on your shoes? Some people deserve to be ridiculed publicly. I hope they see this thread. Maybe they'd have second thoughts about being such scumbags, not as customers, but as human beings.
Fly_Guy Posted October 15, 2009 Posted October 15, 2009 Bill said they were older gentlmen, and judging my their conduct, they probably aren't readers of this forum. But Michael's point is still valid. What if I took dance classes and the instructor ridiculed me on If they were pros and knew all the ends and outs, they probably wouldn't be hiring a guide. A side note - I guess I understand tipping a guide for a good day, but is it expected???? Hiring a guide is already expensive - why is it a bad thing not to tip if you are strapped for cash? After all, it is FISHING!!
eric1978 Posted October 16, 2009 Posted October 16, 2009 Bill said they were older gentlmen, and judging my their conduct, they probably aren't readers of this forum. But Michael's point is still valid. What if I took dance classes and the instructor ridiculed me on If they were pros and knew all the ends and outs, they probably wouldn't be hiring a guide. A side note - I guess I understand tipping a guide for a good day, but is it expected???? Hiring a guide is already expensive - why is it a bad thing not to tip if you are strapped for cash? After all, it is FISHING!! If they were ridiculing you because the poo on your ballet shoes got all over their dance floor and you neglected to clean it up, I'd say you would have deserved it, too.
Bill Babler Posted October 16, 2009 Author Posted October 16, 2009 This was ment to be no more than a funny story, not a vent or a ridicule, and was taken as such. Michael for some reason has decided to take it to another level. For someone that has no respect for anyone this is a reveloution. I'm sure his four guide trips per year qualifies him as an expert on the subject. Rods are broken, "Big Deal" I don't think so. If you are getting free Sage rods fine. I don't think he is or believe one word of anything he says. I get a St. Croix Avid broken, and it hurts. Yes, I take 270 to 300 guide trips a year, and can ammeratize out the cost, but in the course I will easily loose and break 6 to 10 rods at close to $250.00 a pop. You try writing off or replacing between 2 and 3 grand in just broken gear and it hurts. OH, that is unless you get it all for free. This was going to be just fun, but he decided to personally attack me. I think he may be Claude Dallas I'll keep Michael on the Zebco 33 list, I'm sure with some instruction he might be able to use one.
Members knuck Posted October 16, 2009 Members Posted October 16, 2009 I'll keep Michael on the Zebco 33 list, I'm sure with some instruction he might be able to use one. That hurt!
Micheal Kyle Posted October 16, 2009 Posted October 16, 2009 Bill I was not not going to get personal but you did so here it is. I have a lot respect for a lot of people. Phil is one of them and I can not belive he allowed your first post on here it would be like him or I bad mouthing one of customers in public. You probably do not even know the first conversation that we had it was right after we bought the shop you called to informed I had better not be guiding with out a license out of a motor boat, in fact you had done your research and found I had no Capt. License. Did you bother to do you home work and see who I was working with NO You jumped right to the ASSUMPTION I was guiding illegal. There has only been one person on here that I have problems with we worked it out and now get along great. Any time you want to bring your game against mine bring it BUT YOU HAVE TO LEAVE YOU CORN AND MARSHMELLOS AT HOME. I would like to know when the last time I got a Sage for free; I buy them just like everyone else does. Now you sound like some one that is very close to me that actually thought the manufactures gave me the stuff to sale. When it sales I have to pay. NOT THE CASE As far as trips go I had right at 100 trips this year not bad considering that is my 4th job first is a Father to my girls second is a husband to my wife 3rd is a FLY SHOP owner 4th is a guide. Why don’t you step up to plate and try and carry $250,000 dollars of merchandise in your B&B. I am not for sure where to start but any time you wish to look at my resume I will be happy to share it with you. Not only does it pertain hunting trips all over the U.S.A that I have guided but it also has guided trips fishing Trips that I have hosted all over the U.S.A. I will guarantee that I have never acted this way or have I ever publicly humiliated any of my customers. My knowledge base does not end with one water it goes all over fresh to salt water Bill I run a great shop and have a great service and I will be DAMMED if I let some bait chucker get me down. JEALOUSLY BREEDS HUMILITY BRING IT ON BILL ANY TIME ANY WATER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! To Know People Is To Know Thier Ways!
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