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A Buddy of mine made a vid of a creek we run in Illi, it's actually a good fishing creek but, can be sketchy if it rains too much. I thought some of you guys would like. Sorry very bored at work and need to get out on some water


That looks like a neat playground. Had me ducking on the jungle cruise section. LOL

Money is just ink and paper, worthless until it switches hands, and worthless again until the next transaction. (me)

I am the master of my unspoken words, and the slave to those that should have remained unsaid. (unknown)


Awesome. I watched your Buffalo River one also. Love the dogs in the back.


mic, not my dog or my yak......i'm not that nuts, plus my dog weighs about 70lbs. That creek can get crazy though


What part of Illinois is this at? I never saw this side of Illinois (always just saw the Cornfields, and a bit of swamp, along with Lake Carlyle I believe). This on other hand got that nice wild vibe to it.


What part of Illinois is this at? I never saw this side of Illinois (always just saw the Cornfields, and a bit of swamp, along with Lake Carlyle I believe). This on other hand got that nice wild vibe to it.

It's in the Shawnee National Forest in Southern Illinois which has some gradient. Go check out the USGS hydrograph for this creek (the name's in the video). Ten foot raises in nothing flat. I was doing a statewide survey on water quality and we almost chose this as a "pristine" site (there aren't many places that meet that criteria in Illinois). We just didn't see any safe way to leave the data sondes in the water.

Good to know there's bass in it. I had often wondered.


...sigh. Giving away the gems, SIU.

Since we're giving away spots, I have a question. The range map for smallmouth shows a small population on the far southern Ohio River drainages in Illinois. Did you ever encounter them there? Are there enough for a fishery?


I've never been on a float stream in IL, but I fished quite a few bass tournaments on the Ohio River out of Golconda, about where these creeks come into the Ohio. I've been about as far upstream in Lusk, Bay, Grand Pierre and the Saline as you can get a bassboat without demolishing things. I never caught a SM down there and I dont know for sure of any ever weighed in that were caught without locking through downstream to the Cumberland River below Barkley Lake.

Rumors exist of some in the Saline, and the locals firmly say there are some in the lower Wabash River. The only SM I have ever seen at a weighin there, and that has been very few, were from guys who admit they locked through downstream and fished in the Cumberland, or in Kentucky Lake which is an almost impossible run in terms of time. Some of the Cumberland SM were nice size.


Tim my friend who shot those clips has caught three smallies out of that creek and we have caught some out of three creeks that run into the Ohio.Lusk is a good Largemouth creek and fun to run when it's been raining but it has a funny flow with tons of stretches with no water.

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