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I think RPS or maybe it was someone else here on the forum said it best.......start fishing in March and start catching in April. Seems to ring true every single year that I attempt to fish the Rock. Hopefully will get back down in a couple of weeks and start "catchin'".

I think RPS or maybe it was someone else here on the forum said it best.......start fishing in March and start catching in April. Seems to ring true every single year that I attempt to fish the Rock. Hopefully will get back down in a couple of weeks and start "catchin'".

LOL....that's awsome. We did okay out of Baxter last weekend but as you said a bit fustrating. we are waiting a couple of weeks as the lake will be ridiculous with tourneys..... i hope it is as unproductive for them as it was for us and then they will go nuts when we get back down 04/07/2012....at least thats what i'm hoping for anyway.


Read somewhere that one of the pros thought it would take 57 pounds would make the top ten cut in 3 days of fishing. Unless something gives between now and then I am pretty sure he was wrong. If it does take 57 to make the 10 cut then I sure as heck wanna follow one of them 57ers around.


I'm going to say that guy is a complete IDIOT. Top 10 will be under 30 if I am reading the lake correct. It has gotten so hard it is unbelieveable.

Maybe some flip in the bushes, but this lake is dropping 4 in. a day and is muddy as all getout. Table Rock fish do not like mud, even in the James and Kings.

Would like to see how that windbag fairs.

Be very suprised if anyone is over 36 on the second day. Way to much prussure and way to poor of condition.

Hope I'm wrong, but we'll see.


57lbs ???? Thats a far stretch with TR in the shape its in. 19lbs a day average. Even under the best conditions that might be a stretch. Heck my best 3 day total on Toho was 72 and thats Big Florida Strains with a couple 10lb kickers. I think someone is drinking from the Kentucky Spirits bottle.


Fin, I'm with ya buddy. 26.5 pounds per day on TR. Not gona happen. The last couple of days that A-Rig has been as useless as teets on a boar hog.

If they get your 38 on two days with the shape this pond is in, it would be Vandam-esk.

I fish everyday, and really don't know squat, and there is no way I catch 40 pounds in two days. At the rate I'm goin, I might have 20. If I get really lucky.


Bill I could see it if the Rock was in good shape its only a 4lb average for 3 days but with the lake messed up right now I just dont see it happening. Take in to account that is putting it all togeather 3 days in a row, lake conditions, more rain possible and hazards in the lake to wat for along with so many people being out because of the weather. I think its stretching it a bit.

Now i could see three days around 42lbs for a guy that gets a decent pattern formed.


I am completely with you guys. If the Rock was fishing like it was a month or month and a half ago maybe slightly possible.

Here is a link to the article.


Shaping up to be a real slugfest. :have-a-nice-day:

Granted I don't think he had been on the lake recently.

Bill, I realize there is noway to really know but do you think there is a chance it will completely bust open by the weekend or are we stuck in this rut for a while?

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