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Yeah, I do, but can't get to it right now. It is scanned from an old print photo that I carried around in my billfold for years, so it isn't very good quality :) Will try to get it up later. Also should have photos of both 21.5 inchers, just as old and poor quality.

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I've enjoyed this thread but one thing keeps standing out to me. The calibur of guys on this site that fish for smallies and bass in general has to be some of the best I have come across. That being said it is very obvious that anything over 18 should be thought of as a trophy and more a fish that should be cheerished. I have caught many FL Strain LMB over 18 heck over 20'' even but smallies are rare to come by. I didnt think much about them until this thread even the one I caught Sunday was just a nice fish to me but now it means a little more.

I think better conservation, protection and management really is needed for this special fish, just my opinion after reading all these post.

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This is a really cool topic, love seeing all these Pigs. Mine so far would be 19 and a quarter, would love to break that 20 someday.

Someone put a video on here this spring of a married couple fishing in March on one of the Larger Rivers in the Ozarks, that thing was huge, has to be pushing 21, but the girth was what was so impressive!

There's no such thing, as a bad day fishing!

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My personal best is 19" (Beaver Lake)

18" Clear Creek

My wife caught 3 smallies that weighed 15lbs-16lbs with Bill Babler.

It was a guided trip, so I guess it doesnt count. LOL

Now all she talks about is going back and catching them again.

I had to explain to her that she had a day of fishing most people will never encounter.

Meanwhile, I was loading the boat with 16-18" smallies and it felt like I was catching redears compared to her big 3.

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bass, smallmouth

(Micropterus dolomieu)

1802; CENTRARCHIDAE FAMILY; also call black bass The smallmouth bass is native to the eastern half of the U.S.A. and southeastern Canada from Manitoba and Quebec south to the Tennessee River system in Alabama and west to eastern Oklahoma. It has been widely transplanted so that today it occurs in almost every state and many other countries. It is not as widespread as the largemouth bass, (Micropterus salmoides). The smallmouth bass is the second largest member of the sunfish family Centrarchidae, attaining a weight of almost 12 lb (5.45 kg). Only the largemouth bass, which reaches a weight...Read More

All-Tackle Records

Weight Location Catch Date Angler 5.41 kg (11 lb 15 oz) Dale Hollow Lake, Tennessee, USA 09-Jul-1955 David Hayes Record Detai
Thats from the IGFA but wasnt a larger one caught and then dqed by the IGFA director because this one measured longer ? I remember hearing a story like that a few years back
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As promised, here are my two biggest. Don't laugh at how young I was! Both were caught back in the 1970s.

post-218-0-75035900-1361279669_thumb.jpgThis was the 22 incher. Caught on Big River between Mammoth Bridge and Merrill Horse Access. While fighting this fish, another one of about 18 inches got itself hooked while following this one around. Or maybe it was the other way around. At least, I barely saw the fish when it hit, knew it was big, then it went deep and the other one latched on. When they came to the surface it was the first time I knew that I had both on. The smaller fish eventually got off. It was caught on one of my homemade shallow running cranks.

post-218-0-55426500-1361279682_thumb.jpgThis was the 21.5 incher that also weighed five pounds. It was caught on the Meramec above Meramec State Park, on the first float I ever made on that stretch. It was also caught on my homemade crankbait.

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I have fished the Meramec a long time and caught at least 4 that were 20" or over and the biggest was a long time ago also back in the 70s.

Amazingly I caught it fishing from our dock at Twin Springs. A buddie and I were getting ready to head out in our john boat to go fishing and while I was standing on the dock I cast my Rapala across the river to the other side. The fish hit as soon as it landed. It was a tad over 22" and and was just over 4.5lbs. We measured it and weighed it and let it go. Didn't even carry a camera back then.

Also got these that were 20" and 20.5" within the last few years. Plus another nice one my son got a couple years ago in March.




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Blazer nice fish!!!! and Al the idea that you were carrying around a photo of a trophy smallie in your billfold.....well thats priceless, thanks for posting the pics!!!! I truly enjoy the old fish pics.

Trophy I think I need to employ bill Babler!!!! wow your wife did well with him.

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