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  On 11/10/2019 at 3:53 AM, fishinwrench said:

If didymo or zebra mussels have decimated a fishery I haven't heard about it yet.    

I bet a million+ was spent on propaganda about each, signs, stickers, magazines ect., and probably 3x that spent studying each.  

All quiet now, and ready for the next big scare. 


Don’t forget the long abandoned boot scrubbing stations.  


I would rather they err on the cautious side in the early stages of such invasions, because once the invasion in rooted in it is likely impossible to extirpate; example the carp. But I hope that when the follow up science proves the invasion a false scare that the states would follow Vermont's example and lift the ban, even though I personally never liked felt soles. I was wet wading  in canvas shoes at the time Mo. banned the felt and exchanged emails with someone at MDC questioning if they too were banned, because the laces and insides would be just as apt to transfer organisms, he got a bit testy in his second or third reply and I dropped it. The boot washes were apparently never maintained from the start, installed and and forgotten. Like the pit toilets they used to have at some accesses that eventually got torn down,  money gets allocated to build or install things but then the managers of an area never get money for maintenance or repairs. The accesses here are part of the Forestry division and Foresters seem to only visit an area when the timber is marketable. Makes me wonder if one division/agency built the boot washes and and another agency didn't care to maintain them? Areas like the parks that are coop managed probably have gray areas  of responsibility where each agency can blame the other. 

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