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Man, I got caught in rain storm and left my boat at the marina uncovered for a week. What a mess I saw today. What do you guys use to clean the crud off your vinyl seats? Any thoughts, revelations, or visions are most appreciated!------Thanks Ben


I had some really caked on dirt and grime; and the only thing that worked was fast orange; and I HAD to put it in my hand; then rub it in with a circular motion and some serious pressure. It worked fantastic, but arm was killin me for days!


I couldn't use any sponge, brush or scouring pad; it simply wouldn't get things clean.:-(


But this was an extreme circumstance!


Totally Awesome from Dollar General is what I use for all types of cleaning. Then rinse well dry and apply Meguiars Mirror Glaze.


as far as cleaners, several products on the market will do the job. the trick is getting all the dirt out of the grain in vinyl. go to a auto parts store and buy an ultra fine scotch brite pad. combined with your cleaner and you vinyl will look like new.



Some of you guys need to look closely at the "system" your are using. You may be getting them clean, but you are destroying them in the process.



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Starbrite Vinyl Cleaner for marine use has always worked for me. Walmart carries it.

Topwater TRL

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Thanks for all the replys!! You have helped a bunch.--------Ben

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