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warm day but the high wind was blowing right across and into all the chunk bank on the north shore. I never got out at all. I was hoping for a couple degrees jump in temperature. Just checked what is suppose to be the current temperature of the lake and it still stands at 36. Never have I seen anything like this winters effect around here, I was up in the tackle shop today chewing fat and some fella came in with fouled up ask him how he was doing. no idea where he came from on the lake but he said there was still ice in some cove in the cove he was staying at. water is a bit cloudy in this area and that does not help a warm up at all. Kind of very frustrating. Now were suppose to have a cold day wednesday and winter mix on sunday. Frustrating to say the least.


I hope this below normal temp thing continues through August so we can enjoy it. 75 degree highs instead of 95 degrees would be fantastic.


I hope this below normal temp thing continues through August so we can enjoy it. 75 degree highs instead of 95 degrees would be fantastic.

Not me, I got use to the heat long before AC, but I can't get a handle on the cold.

Today's release is tomorrows gift to another fisherman.


I do not like either I had a heat stroke in In transit thru seuz. standing on the bow of a carriers with a B A R in a 118 degree sun and heat.


who wouldn't like a little cooler summer? We have lived through a real winter, like I remember back in the day. I will take a nice, cooler than normal summer.

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