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Do many of you use this knot? If so, how has it worked for you? I think I'm going to try it out.


This really ticks me off. Who does Davy think he is? He didn't invent that knot! That's a bull's hitch -- Spanish herders used to tie that knot on the ring of the bull's nose to drag him away from the ladies, if you know what I mean. Been around for centuries :D

Seriously -- looks like a possibility. I may give it a try.



It's a killer knot. Small, quick, and stronger than you think. Does well with fluorocarbon.

And Hey.....Who knows Sheep and Bull better than Davy?


Doesn't look strong at all, but sounds like it is, especially the double davy.

-- Jim

If people concentrated on the really important things in life, there'd be a shortage of fishing poles. -- Doug Larson


If you look up most knot strength ratings the Davy falls really low on the list.

a simple six turn clinch wetted and tighten down does better for me than the davy has.


i think it might be a good think for some of us older fellas. so I will be giving it a a try. I think there are situations It might come in handi but I doubt it can hold a candle to my favorite polamar.


This is about the only tippet to hook knot that I use for fly fishing. Once you get used to tying it, you'll be amazed at how fast you can tie. Plus, it's a dry knot and if done right, very little tippet is wasted on the tag end. Which gives you more opportunity to quickly try a lot of different flies without having to tie on more tippet.


We all make decisions; but, in the end, our decisions make us.


The Davy knot has not worked well for me on tippets bigger than 4x so I don't use it anymore. The Pitzen is the only knot I use tippet to fly unless the fly is too light to spin around the knot, then a plain old clinch or improved clinch.

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