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A couple of days ago Scott (Feathers and Fins) and I were discussing night crawler harnesses. Things we understood, but some others did not. I received a very nice PM from a fellow forum member asking a question. This morning I tied up two examples to show the regular Texas rig worm harness and to illustrate the slow death harness. Both use Macks Smile blades.

First a picture of the smile blade/slow death components:


Next a slow death completed harness:


Last a regular harness with a smile blade and a bobber stop to keep the beads and blade from mushing the threaded worm down:



You're burning Lunker City Texposer hooks for walleye rigs? The Horror.

Every Saint has a past, every Sinner has a future. On Instagram @hamneedstofish


You're burning Lunker City Texposer hooks for walleye rigs? The Horror.

Found them in the Cabelas Bargin Cave. Don't know why. In the Size 1 and 1/0 they work perfectly for this application. Besides, I could be using Trokars.


Spare no hook when pursuing the fine fillets of Walter.



Those sizes are too small for my needs and you got them on sale sooooo you have my blessings.

Don't get me started on that Trokar non sense.

Every Saint has a past, every Sinner has a future. On Instagram @hamneedstofish


My best buddy is from wisconsin and knows alot about walleye fishing, but have never been able to get together, been trying to get him to come down there with me, my question is how well do you guys rate TR for walleye and when is the opportune time to fish for these guys< I have caught walleye while drop shot fishing but never went after them with traditional walleye rigs. Thanks


I fished in Canada with my father from 9 to 19. Lake of the Woods, Rainy Lake, Winnipeg River. Never fished in Wisconsin or Minnesota. We caught many walleye but most were in the size class that they call "eater." 13 to 16 inches. Here those are not legal to keep. We must catch fish 18" and longer and we are limited to 4.

On the plus side, the fish live longer and grow larger here. I have two over 10 pounds out of Table Rock.

On the negative side, you must target them and work at it.

Four main techniques work for us, depending on time of year. Jigs with trailers, trolled crank baits, night crawlers with harnesses, and jigged spoons. I became serious about the walleye about 6 years ago and feel I am just beginning to know a few things. Your friend and his knowledge would do well at certain times of the year, but would need 2 or 3 years to adjust.


I,d imagine now into summer the harness rig is a good bet and as transition to fall jigs and crankbait may apply. I am gonna have to work on the ole boy and get him out, years back that is all we did was fish and hunt together,

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