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I wish more people would label and do their lines correctly too, but some just don't bother.

WettinLIne ,to me it sounds like you "took" that trotline, it wasn't your line and you took it .

marked or unmarked , did you have permission to mess with other people's property?

I think legally only a game warden can do it. What if a warden had pulled you over while you had that "illegal" trotline in your boat ?

so "line cutters" are just asking for trouble really,sooner or later you'll cross paths with the owner when cutting one and they won't be very nice about it. I quit night jugging and trot lining a few years ago because of people always cutting my lines when they get hung up in it, or stealing them. Got tired of replacing expensive stainless hooks every time somebody helped themselves , or cut the lines..You can't leave anything unattended around, or in the water "these days", and it's getting worse.

I hope I do cross paths with people like this, you think i'm checking these lines because I want the fish? I'm just tired of seeing fish floating on jugs or lines for multiple days in a row, so to answer your question "Took" nope I attempted to save a few fish, feed the turtles, and cleaned up some trash!

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I see a lot of lines without identification. I don't touch other peoples stuff. If I see a line out there I don't cast in that direction, so I have never lost a lure to one. There are 46,000 acres on TR, I can always find water which holds fish and is clear of lines (well not always!). That does not mean I don't get frustrated when I see illegal stuff. Im out to have a good time and don't waste my energy on other peoples illegal activity. Fishing for me is a place of refuge and an opportunity to refresh my thoughts. I do understand those who feel they must cut the line, it is a natural reaction. I just choose to avoid the negative thoughts while fishing.


I do a little jug fishing and have thought about setting some trotlines in the future. Of course my jug lines are clearly tagged by a bright orange pop bottle and reflective tape and a white tag with the required info. Now you can just put your conservation I.D. but I usually put both the I.D. and name/address just to be safe. So, I looked in the Missouri wildlife code about what exactly is required for a trot line to be legally marked. Legally, all that is required is a tag of durable material with name/address or conservation I.D. number. No other markings are required. The code is here on page 5 under Fishing Methods http://www.sos.mo.gov/adrules/csr/current/3csr/3c10-6.pdf . Although it is recommended to mark them in open water according to this article http://mdc.mo.gov/conmag/2005/03/watch-those-lines?page=0,1 . I am not putting this out here in order to cause any trouble. I am putting this out here because there is discussions of cutting lines that are not "properly marked". The way I see it, if it is labeled with a persons I.D. then it is properly "marked" according to the law and therefore if it is cut then the cutter is the one engaged in illegal activity. I am a person that goes to great lengths to make sure that my fishing activities are not only legal but ethical so I have a question. If I do set trot lines, what is considered marking my line? Is ethical and considerate marking of a line marking it at both ends with visible tape or other material just to let other anglers know where both ends of the line are? Just curiosity in order to get along. Lastly, I am in no way dismissing the practice of leaving trot lines unattended so the fish die or leaving an old trot line or jug in the water just to hang up crank baits. Those activities are illegal and unethical no matter which side of the argument you are on.

Earl Stuart

fishin is livin


Usually the trotlines I have a problem with are tied off below the water line, usually on a tree, you don't know they are there until you get hung up on it. I've never run across one of these hidden trot lines that had any kind of ID on them.

I avoid trotlines that are visible.

Nothing wrong with trotlines if they are fished as they should be. It's the ones that are hidden, unmarked, and abandoned that rile people.



I see a lot of lines without identification. I don't touch other peoples stuff. If I see a line out there I don't cast in that direction, so I have never lost a lure to one. There are 46,000 acres on TR, I can always find water which holds fish and is clear of lines (well not always!). That does not mean I don't get frustrated when I see illegal stuff. Im out to have a good time and don't waste my energy on other peoples illegal activity. Fishing for me is a place of refuge and an opportunity to refresh my thoughts. I do understand those who feel they must cut the line, it is a natural reaction. I just choose to avoid the negative thoughts while fishing.

This is logical and common-sensical thinking. You gotta pick your battles and purging the world of illegal trotlines probably isn't the most prudent choice, especially where one's health and welfare is concerned. However, many of those from waypoints north of here can't seem to help themselves. They just gotta enlighten us poor ol' hillbillies.



I have a question. If I do set trot lines, what is considered marking my line? Is ethical and considerate marking of a line marking it at both ends with visible tape or other material just to let other anglers know where both ends of the line are?

For jug lines ;

Jug Line Regulations

Anchored jug lines may not be left unattended for more than 24 hours. The anchor must be sufficient to render a jug immobile so that wind, current, or large fish will not move the jug. A line that does not meet this standard is considered unanchored. Under normal fishing conditions, a 2-pound weight for a 2-liter soda bottle would be an appropriate anchor. Use a heavier weight to anchor larger floats or during times of high wind and current. Keeping track of your unanchored jug lines reduces catfish waste and jug-line litter. Unanchored jug lines in streams must be personally attended at all times. Unanchored jug lines in lakes must be personally attended at least once per hour. Anglers who cannot personally attend their jug lines can still enjoy jug fishing by using anchors. Personally attended means that the angler whose name is labeled on the jug line:

â—¾ Is in visual sight of and close proximity to the jug line,

â—¾ Can see the jug line bob and move when a fish is hooked and can retrieve it,

â—¾ Can see and talk to a conservation agent checking the line, and

â—¾ Can get the attention of or deter anyone who is tampering with the jug line.

That is pretty simple to me If you are not attending them ( unless anchored ) you are breaking the law.

As to Trot Lines the regs again are clear.

You must place a tag of a durable material with your full name and address, or Conservation Number on live-bait traps, trotlines, throwlines, limb lines, bank lines, jug lines, and live boxes. Your Conservation Number is nine digits long and can be found on your fishing permit or on the back of your Heritage Card.

If it is not properly marked you are breaking the law and you must also refer to the Jugline regs stating they must be checked every 24 hours though MDC does suggest checking more frequently in hotter months.

I guess the best thing to do is for all of us to start taking pictures of it get the gps number and report them worse case the agent will go remove it best case we make a little chaching in our pockets for turning in poachers


â—¾ Can get the attention of or deter anyone who is tampering with the jug line.

Is a shot across the bow considered appropriate?

And a 2lb weight on a 2 liter bottle isn't going to be anchored very long once a fish grabs it.




As to Trot Lines the regs again are clear.

You must place a tag of a durable material with your full name and address, or Conservation Number on live-bait traps, trotlines, throwlines, limb lines, bank lines, jug lines, and live boxes. Your Conservation Number is nine digits long and can be found on your fishing permit or on the back of your Heritage Card.

Ok but where is it supposed to be marked? On the line that's under water? On the tree? Which end of the line if it needs to be tagged on the line? What if you hang on a trottline near one end, are you going to run the entire line just to see if you find a tag??? Would you want to be caught running a tagged line?

I'm totally against abandoned lines of all types but some things need to be clarified if a guy is going to play the legal card to justify cutting a line. Believe me I get just as frustrated hanging into one.


I haven't done much jug fishing and haven't caught very many. The largest I have caught is a 25 pound flat head. I was using a two liter bottle anchored by a normal brick. The fish didn't move the jug more than a couple feet. My jug lines are always marked legally and checked at the least every 10 hours. I only leave them overnight because I don't want to have to check them through the day when the lake is so rough. I also do not set them in the kind of heat we are expecting over the next few days. Set em at dark and check em around 6 the next morning. My question isn't in the law. My question is how can I set a trot line in a manner that it won't get cut by a bass angler that gets hung up in it. Legally all I need is a tag attached at one end with my information or conservation I.D. The tags I use on my jug lines are made from a cut up antifreeze jug with the info on it. If I used these same tags to mark the end of a trot line above water it would not be visible at night unless you were looking for it. These discussions are great on this forum. With these we can help each other share the lake in the manner of fishing we prefer.

Earl Stuart

fishin is livin


It's pretty easy to set a trotline that is safe to leave and easy to warn any trollers away from it. If anyone ignores either there should be no sympahthy.

Today's release is tomorrows gift to another fisherman.

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