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Started at daylight water temp 50. Tried my normal winter trolling pattern around Beaver Launch ramp with no luck at all. I Marked all kinds of stuff but it was very weird and im not sure it was fish or shad or what, seems like the graphs are playing tricks up there. Trolled some cranks for an hour or so and didnt have a bite. Took off down towards K dock and the fog got very thick around the first bend so i went to an idle.  After getting to K dock i threw some flicker shads out behind the boat about 200' and started catching some decent Spots,  nothing real big. Trolled another hour or so and picked up a couple more Spots and a couple 11" crappie. Trolling batteries died and I was done. Not sure whats going on. My batteries test "good" at oriellys but were dead. I thought it was my on board charger last week when this happened so i charged them on a normal charger and the same thing happened. So oriellys said to charge them again and then bring them in so they can test it under load. Only a year old so hopefully somthing good will come out of it



Good luck out there


That stinks about your batteries. I'm glad you caught a few fish. Looking at the LRCOE app, it seems like they have been pulling BSL down about 0.40 foot a day. I'm a little confused by the water mark on  the rocks in the second photo down.

Every Saint has a past, every Sinner has a future. On Instagram @hamneedstofish


I've been in the batteries test good, but are run down situation before myself.  You just have to insist to them that they are NOT holding a charge for long, and ask for the warranty to apply, I'm thinking it probably pro-rated if it is like most battery warranties.


Ham, that picture is actually the Zebra muscle line(all dead),  They are pretty thick up there. Like billions upon billions. So it isnt how the water is fluctuating as of recently. I didnt really notice until you pointed it out, the picture really makes it looked more defined than in person


Quill, Im hoping for the best on the Batteries but i know last year when i bought those, the high was in the upper 20's and we could troll 7 hours on a charge. Problem is if they pro rate them i dont think i really want to replace them with the same type. This is my third trip to the lake after different methods of charging that they have failed.   I want to fish not fiddle with problems...Part of owning a boat i guess


Thank you for the explanation. I have seen the results of water level changes and a band of dead Zebra mussels, but not to that extent before. Wow! Are you breaking off more cranks and rigs? The cranks might at least float up where you can recover them. The mid to lower lake is not as thickly infested, but I am still having break offs from them. 

Every Saint has a past, every Sinner has a future. On Instagram @hamneedstofish


Aarch, I can usually get about 2 years out of lead acid batteries for my trolling motor (stop and go bass fishing stuff), could be that trolling breaks them down quicker if you're running them until they die every time out.


I troll with my trolling motor lots and taking them all the way down is not recommended - always keep them topped off.  If you need to replace I would suggest larger AGMs if you can stand the price pain, but again don't run them all the way down.  I recently upgraded to an Ulterra and 31 AGMs and it is a very sweet combo.  If you go to AGMs remember to switch your OB charger over from lead acid, they need to charge at a slightly higher voltage.




I bit the bullet and dropped a little over $200 (per battery) for the sealed battery's last winter. They along with my new Terrova trolling motor get along fine and I've never run out of battery. That's about a 5 to 6 hr day, that's about all I can handle anymore. I hope I can get at least 4 to 5 yrs out of them.

So you all are saying that dark line above the water is dead Zebra shells?? Just hard to believe so many.

Is the Beaver Creek Ramp still under water?

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