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Patlock and I got out Saturday morning for a couple of hours.  We put in at Moonshine and headed to that cove on the other side of the island a little south of the dam.  I was determined to catch a fish on a swimbait and finally a nice KY hit my lure.  This picture is from a small cove past the dock with the green roof.  The fish hit it hard, I set the hook and my 12 # Fluoro broke at the reel.  Luckily a large amount of line floated so I was able to grab the line to retrieve my lure.  To my surprise this fish was still hooked.  That little cove must have dumb fish.  For the couple of hours we were out, we only caught this one keeper but managed to catch 8 other short LM and one short SM on the little guy and a crank bait.




first swimbait fish.jpg

33 minutes ago, Quillback said:

A tank of a KY.  I love catching those things.  Did you see much top water activity?

Jeff, almost non-existent.  We saw 2" shad hitting the bank everywhere. We mainly concentrated on fish in that 8-20 ' range.



Sounds like a shad spawn. You would think the bass would pin those shad on the bank and chow down on them.   Darn bass just don't read the books.


Thanks for the report M&M.  I was starting to worry about you because I have not seen anything on OA for a while from you. Maybe I have just missed your posts lately. Glad to see you hitting the water and having fun. 


Cheese, I have been busy and not a lot of time to use the computer. Hopefully things will ease up. 


2 hours ago, Quillback said:

Sounds like a shad spawn. You would think the bass would pin those shad on the bank and chow down on them.   Darn bass just don't read the books.

Get out there at night with a spinner bait or just at sunrise.


I thought that was you antagonizing my fish and pestering my pets around our little green dock. As you can tell I am pretty good with my silenced pellet gun. Just when you think you have a fish....bam.....your line mysteriously sheers at the reel. You call that a bad spot in the line.....I call it skill and knowing Table Rock windage at 500 yards. 


Abk, what a good shot you are. The silencer worked. Lol


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