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Last couple of weeks, while trolling on LOZ, whites, hybrids, and cats have been hammering some of my larger Mepps Spinners.  Been using #4's and #5's about a 150-175' behind the boat at 2mph.   The big trouble I'm having is major line twist on my baitcaster.  I was using 8lb test and it had been on the reel for a couple of years.  I read somewhere if you were having these issues, to go with a more stout line and a premium swivels.  So I went out and got some 12lb Trylene Big Game line and some other swivels.  Within a half hour, it was doing the same thing. 

Any advise would be appreciated!




Inline spinners with a keel (like the Erie Dearie) solve the line twist problem.

I can't dance like I used to.


I've never trolled in line spinners, but you have me thinking for sure. I'd recommend using an Offshore Tadpole trolling weight. http://www.offshoretackle.com/resettable_diving_weights.html                                                                                                                                                                               and tie up some leaders about as long as the rods your using. I'd put a swivel on one end to hook to the tadpole trolling weight and a snap swivel on the other end to attach your spinner to. the neat thing about this system is there are dive charts on the web so you can dial in the depth that the fish are located and repeat it over and over.                         http://www.fishusa.com/product/Off-Shore-Tackle-Tadpole-Diving-Weights                                                                                                                                                                      The tad pole trolling weight will separate the line on your reel from your leader so line twist on the reel wont be an issue. Best if luck!



Used to troll 1/4 ounce rooster tails at Stockton and catch crappie and whites.  Used a Signa Keel from the Marlynn Lure Company ahead of our rooster tails on spinning tackle.  Seemed to eliminate the line twist.  Don't know why it wouldn't work on a baitcaster.  The instructions that came with the keels says, "Signa Keel - A permanent attachment for underwater spinning lures.  Attach split ring on keel to front of lure.  Snap line into front hole in keel.  No swivel necessary."Signa Keel.jpg

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