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Put in at Indian Point at 11, temp throughout the day 48.9-50.4. 

Started on chunk rock with pea gravel mix and bam, nice brownie and nice black. Thought gonna be awesome day. Then the rain came and shut the bite down, weird. So moved to some bluffs and picked up a few short brownies on 5/16 finesse jig.

Finally rain let up, so back to same type banks and started to get bit again. No blade fish today, all came on phantom green wart and rc. Had to be banging and pausing bait to trigger strike.

Ended up with 14 and 9 keeps. Fat spots and some nice brownies. Only seen one boat all day, so really had lake to myself. Fished hard and covered a bunch of water, had a great time, except for the downpour. Lots of bald eagles, loons and canvasback ducks, all pretty birds!

Tight lines and CPR 









Thanks Hammer Time!!

Is this report a month old or did you mean 12/23??? 


Nice report. I was down there today for a couple of hours in the point 1 vicinity. Caught a lot of nice fat brown fish on a jig. Had 4 keepers on consecutive cast. Also caught some keepers on a jerkbait. Fished a wart a little but they seemed to really want to jig so I stayed with that. Even though I wanted to be cranking. Ended up with 12 keepers mostly on jig and 4 shorts. it was a really old day but miserable being out in the rain. My hands don't usually get cold but man they were hurting today in the constant rain. Forgot to mention all fish were smallmouth besides 2 K's. 


Hammer, thanks for the details. It appears the trend of more keepers to total fish caught is continuing. Stacking up to be a pretty good winter. I can hardly wait until I can get back out there. 

Alex, sounds like you had a great time too with that jig. 


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