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I'm going with 29" in length and 10 lbs 12 oz.

18 hours ago, MoCarp said:

Here is a big Brown my fishing buddy caught (and mounted)

he has caught and released 7 fish over 10 pounds, there are big fish to be had in Capps if you know its secrets

as a note my friend is 6' about 250...a prize for the closest guess on what his fish weighed....


This fish weighed 11 pounds 7oz was 26" long with a girth of 19"!

MONKEYS? what monkeys?


Fish was not weighed. (26x19x19)/800=11.7lbs per formula. Still a great fish, but the proportions don't seem right. Is a fat one but not a gut fed Augustus Gloop Frankentrout.


fish was weighed on a deli scale.....if you want to see it on the wall in Joplin

MONKEYS? what monkeys?


Not to diminish your buddies catch, but 75% length to girth on a Salmonid seems way high. Good for him. A 26" brown is a great fish.

15 hours ago, Gavin said:

 but 75% length to girth on a Salmonid seems way high. Good for him. A 26" brown is a great fish.

Here guess this ones weight......

00002622xl-338x336 (1).jpg

MONKEYS? what monkeys?


That fish is the GA state record 20 lbs 14 oz...   the guy was fishing from a kayak in the Chattahoochee River, caught it on a rooster tail

MONKEYS? what monkeys?

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