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Had a couple hours to get out today - mid-day.  Found fish on a long gravel point near a deep water.  Caught more than a dozen Spots 14 - 17 inches, drop shot in 27fow.  I mostly used nightcrawlers today.

After about 45 minutes, these other little guys showed up above the bass.  You can clearly see them on the graph.

PS - regarding the recent thread about commercial and private docks, if I didn't have my boat in a dock I would not have been able to get out today as I only had about two hours to fish which is more often than not, the case for me.  Just saying.   I originally planned to retire on Truman and had bought a nice 15 acres close to the water and was designing the house when I was invited to TR and over time changed my mine and built here.  









Very cool, thanks! 


I took crawlers out with me but did not use them. They went back into my worm storage box.


4 minutes ago, rps said:

I took crawlers out with me but did not use them. They went back into my worm storage box.


Sometimes I find they work better - the bite is more pronounced, they pretty much hook them self - someday maybe I'll get better at detecting the bite like you guys.  


Thanks for the report and pics.


bobby b, thanks for the information. Great pictures. 


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