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Good luck, the hard part is finding them and it has been changing day to day.  After catching a limit of crappie yesterday, I took my dad out this evening to the same spot and we only caught one.  There were hardly any fish on the graph and there were lots of them there yesterday.  It was still a beautiful evening on the lake.  Vacation time well spent.


Got out today. Trying to target walleye again. Fished main lake points with the ole jig and night crawler. Stayed between 15 and 30 feet. No walleye for me today. But I caught at least 8 catfish. I didn't really count. All were good eating size. I didn't keep any. Taste to much like trout for me. lol 😁 The first one I caught was the largest. For a few seconds, I really thought I had a nice walleye. They fought hard and were a lot of fun. Sometimes it's just fun to fish for lips! Did lose maybe a 21/2 to 3 pound small mouth at the boat. Would have like to have had a picture of it. Thought would show one of the cats. Since that's all I got to show. Mike


Luck is where preparation meets opportunity...... Or you could just flip a coin???B)


I was also out today crappie fishing and we ended up with only 8 keepers after 7 hours. 20 to 25 fow using shad colored jigs. 


A buddy and I fished about 6 hrs today.  Fished along the dam. Jig and crawler all the way down the darn thing never caught a walleye. I would have bet money that wouldn't have happened.  Stayed to long in a unproductive spot.  Thought we were going to get skunked.  Finally found a dumb one to give it up and a keeper to boot.  Got him bottom bouncing in about 17 ft.  These kinda days really make you appreciate the good ones. As for fishing it couldnt have been better. Great weather.  Did get to meet a couple great guys on the ramp from Nebraska that troll ozark anglers. Lol

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