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50 minutes ago, fishinwrench said:

Ameren's page gets updated hourly.  They showed a high of 659.1 for 6/12. 

"Theory" it isn't.  I know a true 660 when I see it, and it was a good bit above that.   So what's your theory behind why they'd report different numbers to the people than they did to the COE?

I knew you would have a rebuttal as you always do. I am not going to speculate as to why something is being done without fully researching all the variables. I also don't want to get into an argument over something as benign as water level. What I do know is,  the stats you posted are from the Corp "DAILY" info page and if you would scroll down a little further, it clearly says it is updated at 10 a.m.

I prefer to go by the USGS gauges which I provided a link below, but to be clear, I am not telling anyone what gauges to look at or how to live their life. I am simply providing other tools so others can be aware of them. 




5 minutes ago, navery said:

What I do know is,  the stats you posted are from the Corp "DAILY" info page and if you would scroll down a little further, it clearly says it is updated at 10 a.m.

What difference does it make whether it is "DAILY" or not? 

The COE doesn't have a guage on LO, so where do you think they got that number (661.6) from?  

Here's the numbers Ameren posted to the public for 6/12.   So what the heck are you talking about?Screenshot_20190613-102639.png

22 minutes ago, fishinwrench said:

Oh boy 🙄 


Well it looks like I wasn't too far off, and now you are cursing at me. 

The difference in daily versus is hourly is the definition of the words. If you looked at a page that is only updated every morning,  then the level will definitely be different several hours later especially since they increased Truman's discharge to 60k yesterday. 

I guess the USGS is fudging the numbers also.

I will go back to lurking so I won't get yelled at and antagonized over a difference of opinions. 

God bless


10 minutes ago, navery said:

Well it looks like I wasn't too far off, and now you are cursing at me. 

I will go back to lurking so I won't get yelled at and antagonized over a difference of opinions. 

God bless

Was it easier for you to say that, instead of...

"Oh I see what you mean now, gotcha"?

I never yelled, and it wasn't ME doing the antagonizing.  Now was it?


You are kind of a cyber bully aren't you? 

I edited my response above with more explanation for you and am I the only one that hears a voice yelling your condescending words in my head as I read them, lol

3 hours ago, navery said:

Not trying to rain on the conspiracy theory parade, but they only update that page once a day guys. 

Here's what you opened up with.   In case you forgot. 

Can we be friends now, or not?


I am sorry that offended you, but without proof of ameren lying, it is indeed a theory, and reading that back, I should have left out parade. It does come across as antagonistic,  and that wasn't my intent. 

Yes, friends sounds great. Let's go chase hybrids sometime! I have been catching the snot out of them on Truman since the beginning of April. 


Hey Friend, I'm not offended.  And I never said they "lied".  Just pointed out that they posted false information. Then I PROVED IT. And then I speculated on why they might do that, since it was obviously done on purpose.  

The data on their site goes down as "records" for the future.   What good are false records ?



Would a gauge on the Osage at Rt7 Warsaw have the same level as the lake? USGS has one there and if my math is right the current reading is 662.6 or 663.7 depending on which sea level datum is used, which by the way might account for the reporting differences.

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