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My oldest daughter was planning a trip to participate/experience the NY Renaissance Faire in upstate NY. We enjoy these fairs as well and decided to go up with her. She was going to be at the fair for both today and tomorrow. We decided to do some other things today. I have caught lots of bass, sunfish and a few trout in NY but have very few photos and certainly none in a digital format. Also neither Sue nor Livie have caught a fish in NY. So today we went fishing. I found a reservoir and thought that we could try the tailwater for possible new minnow species or creek species. The creek below the dam was pretty but was a bit faster than I had anticipated.


We tried a few things but did not last long. The kayakers may have had the better time in the creek.


The small pond along the creek was full of newts and not fish. Livie and Sue tried to catch one anyway.


We went back up the lake and fished around some wood and rock structure.



We fished worms, John deere microjigs, small and medium spinners. really was a nice clear lake. Sue got us started with a landed bluegill, her first NY fish!


I fished the John deere nearly all day and got on the board with a redbreast sunfish.


Livie caught her first NY fish, a bluegill.


Just using that John Deere microjig, I caught a variety of fish, yellow perch. largemouth bass, green sunfish, and smallmouth bass. Yes @snagged in outlet 3 they were all micros 🤣!





Livie caught a bunch of green sunfish on the spinners, but no bass or pickerel. Sue caught the largest bass soaking a worm next to a blown down tree.


None of us caught any new fish species for the year, but both Sue and Livie have another state on their lists. We all had fun fishing the Rio Reservoir!


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