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Big M area - 11/08


Another cold and windy morning, talked to a guy that came down to his dock to check out his boat and he told me that it was 41 degrees at his house.  It did warm up later in the AM, but is sure felt good at the end of the day to be in the truck with the heat on.

Fishing started out pretty slow, tried a few places that held fish Monday, but they didn't pan out.  I scratched out a half dozen by noon and stopped on one last chunk rock bank that always holds fish in November and it gave me another 9 or so in about 45 minutes.  They were all Ned fish, and the earlier fish were split between Ned and a 1/2 oz Nutech Grass jig.  The later fish were up pretty close to the bank, 5-10 FOW.  Earlier fish were deeper in the 10-20 FOW range.

So it turned out to be a decent day compared to what I have been catching, 15 total, 2 keeper smalls, and some spots that were chunky, but I doubt if any of them made the 15" mark.  Only caught one largemouth.  Definitely location specific, I fished a lot of marginal water with only a bite every once in a while.

WT 60-61.



A different colored smallie.




Ye olde TR 14" spot.


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32 minutes ago, dwiebenga said:

I am getting excited for next week.  

Hopefully this is a turn of the corner and not a head fake.  I talked to several experienced Table Rock fishermen over the last couple of weeks and they are all talking about how tough it has been the last couple of months. 

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13 minutes ago, Smithvillesteve said:

Good job Quillback!! Those brown fish and 14 inch spots are fun to catch!! With all the talk of lake turnover on here did you see any sign of that?

I didn't see any sign of turnover, but then again I don't know what to look for.  Water is getting clearer by the day, that I can tell.


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