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Bill Babler
Bill Babler

Fantastic Morning at the Dam 5-24-18

You kind of know your day is starting out right when about the 3rd cast your client catches a double on top water small jaws.  Both of those rascals were solid keeps and ate the 110 WP in Loon color like they meant it.

Surface temp at Moonshine at the 5:45 AM start was 77 degree, with wind, fog and not a ripple, but a solid 5 inch chop.  Probably the perfect morning to throw the top water and it was.  Fishing long runnout points that dumped into deep water we caught surfacing fish and also fish that we just waked up.  Also caught mid-pocket chasing fish in the deeper guts of the flat coves from pt. 5 to pt. 1.

Top water deal worked this morning till durn near 10 AM that is 4 hrs. of top water action and you just flat cannot beat that.  Kids took lots of pictures of lots of jaws.


The ferocity of the attacks on the Pooper were amazing.  In the years I have fished top water I have very seldom seen this kind of a strike, it was like a mini-car wreck when they slammed it.

I've caught more top water fish in a morning, but never and I mean never have I seen the strikes that Pooper produced with that amount of speed on the strike and just the fish wanting to destroy the bait.  I was a fantastic thing to witness

We jumped a couple of big, big, big fish off, that hit right at the boat.  Kevin also had a brown bass completely smash it from top down, as the fish jumped behind it and landed right on it.  CRAZY ACTION.

At about 10 the fog lifted and the wind died and we started to come to reality, but then No, it went crazy again catching them on any wind or surface chop on a 3.3 inch Keitech.  I was just hunting wind at that point and ever location where it was the least bit windy, the jaws and LM would get all up on the swim bait.

Only had 3 K's swimming deep, but man were those SM out there suspended.  We were sitting off a main lake point and a guy trolling came by and stopped and watched the Kids catch 7 in about that many casts, all SM, and all suspended.

I was living the guide dream.

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Thanks for the info. I had similar response last Saturday on Ima Little Stik. Not as many fish, but the strikes were vicious. Nothing beats a good topwater bite. Glad you had a good day. 

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