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June 5, Big M area

Got out early, nice cool morning.  A touch of wind at first, but flat calm later in the AM.  

Found some deep keitech (3.8 on a 3/8 head) fish again, and caught some on the c-rig also, using a Zoom UV Speed Craw.  Caught a couple dozen, mostly spots.  Got a few keeper size spots today, but nothing huge.  Keitech fish were suspended over 50 FOW near some trees on a rocky point, c-rig fish were mostly off gravel, off the bank in 10 FOW or so.

Hardly saw any top water activity except for rolling gar - and one spoonie that jumped straight up out of the water.  Lots of schools of small shad swimming around on top when the wind was calm, but the bass were ignoring them for the most part.  

Left at 11 AM, recreational boats were making their appearance and the fishing was getting slow.



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Thanks for the report Quillback.  

Can you - will you give away your c-rig set-up?  Leader length, mainline - braid? And such? I have a older rod I think I am going to try to set up - but not sure what I am doing.....😂😂😂

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8 hours ago, cheesemaster said:

Thanks for the report Quillback.  

Can you - will you give away your c-rig set-up?  Leader length, mainline - braid? And such? I have a older rod I think I am going to try to set up - but not sure what I am doing.....😂😂😂

I use Flouro main line, 12 lb. Abrazx, I just don't like braid, but that's just a personal preference, I have seen quite a few people that use braid as a mainline.  On the mainline I'll thread a barrel weight, brass clicker and a glass bead, then tie on a barrel swivel.  I use 10 lb. mono for a leader, about 3 feet.   With a lighter lb. test leader than the mainline, if the hook gets hung up, hopefully the hook will break off and not they whole set up which happens if the mainline breaks.  


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I feel goofy now.  I use a heavy action rod with a Curado 200G, 20lb flouro and 14lb flouro leader.  Am I fishing too heavy of a set up for this?  I've been wondering if I'm missing bites, but using a baby brush hawg on the end they seem to thump it pretty hard or simply pick it up and run with it.

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Hey if it works for you, then it's good.  I'm likely the goofy one using lighter stuff.  I don't mean to state that my methods are the  be-all and end-all of c-rigging, it's just what works for me.  I bet if you ask a 100 guys that c-rig what their rigs are, you'll get a 100 different answers.

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I use a MH rod with 20 lb flouro and a 10 lb leader about 2’ Long. I use a glass bead above and below the weight then a barrel swivel befor the leader. I usually use a 6” lizzard in watermelon red flake. But I certainly am open to suggestions. 


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