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Everything posted by Ham

  1. Ham

    New trout boat

    I think it is mostly because of local tradition and the large number of boats that were set up as guide boats that would have 3 or more customers on board. Both work. I’d love to have both.
  2. Let’s make it a date. 12/7/2018
  3. I do ok.
  4. I saw a few Caddis coming off and midges. I was watching for sulfur’s, but never saw any. The fish being greedy close to the shoreline would eat the jig before I could close the bail on the spinning reel.
  5. You’d better be fishing.
  6. Not at all. He’s been wearing them out all year. I need to fish with him. It’s to my shame that I have not worked that out yet. Soon maybe.
  7. For a variety of reasons, first trout trip in a long time. I thought I might struggle a little bit, but I didn’t. I put the boat in the water at 0635. I pushed off the ramp at started fishing. First fish on the 4 th cast. I planned to fish 3 hours, but I cheated and stayed 10 minutes over so I could get my 50 th. About 2300 CFS. Water clear. Water cold. Foggy. Good morning for Browns. I caught 6 of them. I had a 17 inch +, 18 inch +, and one just under 20 inches. 1/32 oz Zig Jig was clearly better. I force fed a few a 1/16 oz, but it was costing me fish to throw it. I even made one fatty eat a Bobby Garland Baby Shad on a 1/32 oz jighead, but that was just me being goofy. I was using 4 lb P Line CX Premium in Moss Green with that 1/32 oz jig on one of Richard Cross’s Crossfire Rods. It was a prototype so I’m not sure how that relates to what’s actually for sale. Early in the day, I was fishing by feel and watching the line. Later, I saw almost all my bites happen. Pretty fun to see those Browns eat. I had a lot of other chances. I lost 15-20 that I had hooked and got lots of other looks besides those. This post has been promoted to an article
  8. For a variety of reasons, first trout trip in a long time. I thought I might struggle a little bit, but I didn’t. I put the boat in the water at 0635. I pushed off the ramp at started fishing. First fish on the 4 th cast. I planned to fish 3 hours, but I cheated and stayed 10 minutes over so I could get my 50 th. About 2300 CFS. Water clear. Water cold. Foggy. Good morning for Browns. I caught 6 of them. I had a 17 inch +, 18 inch +, and one just under 20 inches. 1/32 oz Zig Jig was clearly better. I force fed a few a 1/16 oz, but it was costing me fish to throw it. I even made one fatty eat a Bobby Garland Baby Shad on a 1/32 oz jighead, but that was just me being goofy. I was using 4 lb P Line CX Premium in Moss Green with that 1/32 oz jig on one of Richard Cross’s Crossfire Rods. It was a prototype so I’m not sure how that relates to what’s actually for sale. Early in the day, I was fishing by feel and watching the line. Later, I saw almost all my bites happen. Pretty fun to see those Browns eat. I had a lot of other chances. I lost 15-20 that I had hooked and got lots of other looks besides those.
  9. American Eel. Never caught one. Hmmm
  10. My Dad is going they a terrible stretch. He’s at a Nursing Home. Too sick to get better and too well to die. He has almost zero quality of life and it breaks my heart. I love my friends, family and life BUT I’ll Gladly give up some years to avoid being in my Dad’s situation. I really, really don’t want to linger. So I’m very aware that we all have an expiration date. I’m trying to make a point to live better. Enjoy the time I have. Eat better. Fish more. Make sure friends know I value them. I’m holding out hope that John isn’t always going to live states away and that in the meantime with some effort and planning, I can still manage to fish with him at least once a year.
  11. Ham

    Summer Panfish

    He must show sorrow better than he does happiness. #stoic
  12. Love that Hen.
  13. John is the Pro, but I think it is a Golden Eye. Look at the mouth.
  14. Dang! Super jealous of the Golden Eye!
  15. I loved Scotland. The weather was crazy, but I loved being rained on in Full Sunshine. Scottish remind me of Ozark Natives. Always finding ways to make a buck.
  16. Wish I was there!
  17. Well, since I grew up in Southern Louisiana , “Goggle Eye” = Warmouth ; Crappie = Sac Ca Lait ; Drum = Gaspergoo ; Bowfin= Choupique ; Red Ear = Chinqupin i never got into calling Bass “Green Trout”, but I certainly did know ppl that reffered to that that way.
  18. Your “Google Eye” looks like a Northern Rock Bass to me, but I will defer to the Pro. I’m proud if you for getting out and catching fish. I wish I did so more often, but my life limits my fishing sometimes.
  19. Well , he got a Brown Fish anyway
  20. Striped Shiner
  21. I wish I had shot a video. I took multiple photos and they are all crap. It was truly horrific. Aquatic feeding did him no favors at all.
  22. I did adult stuff most of the day and got a lot of stuff done, but pretty mad I didn’t get to fish more. I had a lot of fun in two hours and added a species to the annual tally. I also did something pretty strange. I was soaking a Crawler hoping for a catfish. A breeze was easing the boat along. I saw the line tighten up a wound down into the fish. Fish had some weight, but wasn’t pulling at all. It came up and was a good size carp, but not putting out any effort at all. It rolled over and the entire body cavity was gone. I managed to catch a dead fish in the mouth with a circle hook. CajunAngler rides me pretty hard for having “dead hands” sometimes, and he’d Be right this time. Dang fish died and rotted before I noticed. I got to catch a Red Ear so the trip was a success even though I only caught 15.
  23. Looking for Tips on using my R & V fish fryer. I know Little Red Fisherman has one. I have several other friends with them. I’ve read through the Owners Manual and it seems pretty straight forward, but I had questions about storing oil, filtering oil, how long to use the oil. I plan on using Peanut oil. Selective Harvest of a renewable resource, but no smallmouth will be cooked in this cooker.
  24. They hates us.
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